The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

PLAIN DEALER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1989 5-C Pt HORSE RACING BEULAH RESULTS mdn, 384YO, 6f. Westhop (Ashert) 19.80 7.40 4.40 A Gram Of Gold (Henson) 3.60 2.40 Chase Harbor (Donaghey) 3.60 Off 12:32. Time 1:13 3-5. Scratched Toast To Pleasure, Galleyhill, Odd Nick, Slim Tim. Perfecto (12-11) paid $74.40.

ct, 3YO up, 6f. TrangTgh(SJ Trio) 10.20 6.20 3.20 KnightlyCtrI(Ashert) 7.60 6.00 Possum Run (Donaghey) 5.20 Off 12:57. Time 1:11 4-5. Scratched Brother Jim, One Key, Forever Fancy, Conglomerate, Mortgage The House. Daily Double, (12-7) paid $110.80.

Perfecta paid $133.00. man, 2YO, 6f. SunFlyr(Sivn) 17.60 8.40 9.60 Candy Apple (Tauzin) 6.40 4.60 Boil And Squeak (Jenkins) 9.80 Off 1:22. Time 1:13 2-5. Scratched -Quiet Roberto, Candy Nap, Noracha.

Perfecta (4-9) paid $99.00. cl, 3YO UP, 11-16ml. BookRdgrs( (Tschya) 8.00 4.40 2.80 LAUREL: ENTRIES Post Time: 1st- 6,700, cl, 3YO UP, TimeBeing 117 AMagicDip Racng Thghts 110 SpruceStreet Blaw 116 Frenchimpls JudgeScalley 117 Wilkes cl, 3Yo up, 6f. Furzy 117 NightGames MuttontwnMt 112 a-HonorOnly Manolaki GangwayJck 117 VillageRunnr Signal Tower 114 Crowfield a-Coupled. cl, 3YO up, 71.

IrishFeast 115 0-UntiSptmb JoyousSport 117 AldensDelght DavidsHop 122 CharliesDeby LadyBarsky 108 FatLadySngs 115 HighHoratius MarqusMidy 117 LaGendarme BlairHall 112 She FliesHigh CarlasExprs 108 Doodle Bop TapForJoy 117 a-RiversdPrk a-Coupled. cl, mdn 7f. GoNellie 120 LadySplendr FrontPorch 120 MissMuskok Korsella 118 Lailee CriticalCmnt 113 Flightmont cl, mdn EvesGlory 118 Mcphail Road MusicalParf! 122 LuckyFiord Mt. AiryBelle 118 Mt.AryElbrt MailOnTime 120 Jolly Elbertn TURFWAY ENTRIES Post Time: 7:00 (EDT) ci, mdn 2YO, 41f. Obiectofafctn 114 CreightnsWy FairMoment 110 Squabbywbld SuperDuble 117 TicklishFshn KatesSurpris 119 Capsin TheAr Ms.

Royale 117 ReadyTBRch MooMoo 119 R.J.sBaby Mrs.Fletcher 117 GypsyCarlyn AprilesPrice 2nd- 4,400, cl, 3YO up, 6f. DoubleDnkm 114 BillsPride ChelseaStret 113 TrulyFormal SeaQuell 119 LePuppi FinalForm 113 Ancrmknckr a- IronGoid 116 Wendy Rmnc MargaretHal 116 FinestFanny Bush 113 a- RosinsRckt DellaJo 119 RivasLimit a-Coupled. cl, 3YO, 1 1-16ml. BuffaloPrncs 113 DesignerGirl LeighDona 113 LyleB. DorothyLee 110 Wimby Cooter 116 Covibes NavySecurty 113 HrdKncknLd $427.80.

cl, man 2YO, 6f. CALDER ENTRIES Post Time: 1:00 (EST) cl, man 2YO, 6f. KeyAce 119 RussellsRscl 108 QuePasoTigr 119 BobbysCafe 119 CanCan 115 MisterMunch 119 VictoryCross 119 CochngLgnd 115 Trinity Decsn 108 PeacePecPc 119 FghtOnMred 119 FireCoral 115 2nd 5,000, cl, man Imi. Seamari 113 PossmAtDwn WatchMeSstr 113 LEnioirTrcy 122 PayJoy 110 EllsLaurLds 113 duch*essHalli 120 SuperSilica 113 CutsSister 120 Biarritz 120 Antioquenita 110 cl, 3YO up, RtsWthRylty 112 Polverina 113 Chauffeurett 113 MakeMnMny 119 GrecinPrspct 105 MissPalisade 104 SeoEscape 105 PredictablMs 114 cl, mdn 2YO, 6f. ExuberantBn 119 EdenStar 117 HAWTHORNE RESULTS alc.

3YO up, 6f. JustLike That (Gdry) 10.00 4.20 3.20 Fantan Sam (Gall) 5.20 2.80 Rick's Double (Razo) 5.40 Off 1:01. Time 1:11 4-5. 2nd cl, man 384YO, CourtingTrbi(Sirs) 4.80 3.40 2.60 Badge Of Glory (Guidry) 5.80 3.20 Summer Party Host (Focareto) 2.60 Off 1:24. Time 1:18 4-5.

Scratched Imps Magic Eli, Sovreign Blade, Too Sentiental, Nativeiam. Perfecta (12-11) paid $17.60. Daily Double (3-12) paid $25.80. 3rd 6,300, cl, 3YO up, CmmnityPark(Sylr) 25.40 9.60 4.60 Ten Questions (Sellers) 6.20 4.00 Fistful Of Dollars (Diaz) 3.40 Off 1:50. Time 1:19 1-5.

Scratched Smith's Vision. Perfecta (9-6) paid $166.20. Trifecta (94-7) paid Ruthie Step (Jenkins) 6.40 3.20 Jubicles (Flores) 2.60 Off 1:48. Time 1:47 3-5. Trifecta (6-8-10) paid $182.80.

cl, 384YO, 6f. EastBound(Silvn) 15.20 8.20 7.20 Mr. Needles (Gehri) 9.40 4.40 Winning Road (Mangual) 6.40 Off 2:15. Time 1:11 2-5. Scratched Sue's Buddy, Mr.

Rich, Sammy Spats, Little Brown Sam, Lucent Prince, I'd Like To. Perfecta (6-10) paid $160.60. $1 Twin Trifecta (6-10-12) paid $309.70. cl, 3YO up, of. Jennie Bug (Henson) 4.00 2.80 2.80 Swirling Current (Jenkins) 5.40 4.20 Tishia (Donaghey) 6.80 Off 2:40.

Time 1:13 3-5. Scratched Tootight Jeans, Property Of A Lady, Inroads, Boomerang Babe, Tierney, Teach Me Tonight. Trifecta (84-9) paid $710.00. cl, 3YO up, 6f. CrwdSocly (Ghri) 15.00 6.00 3.20 (Dghy) 3.00 2.40 FirstSpirit 118 CramSession 118 SpringFalcon 113 KeepLaghng 120 Pambeere 120 OnemoreAffr 120 cl, 3YO 1.W.

Harper SerraPelada 117 JollyFive 117 WimpoleMws 117 Outlook 115 KohiuPoint 117 TrickColony 117 cl, SoHelpMe 118 CatchAPigen 120 RacingZeus 118 Tamgosimp 113 EgyptianAffr 120 113 ThrtyEghtKn 118 E.P.Double 113 SoHielpMDc 120 UpToPar 115 a-Coupled. alc. PolishdAprch 115 WildBreeze 115 Cilladar 117 NoblestHeart 115 Stop TheSong 120 alc, Pechelsle 107 NoneNicer 116 SpinAndBuck 113 cl, DeltaMan 120 BlueHeat 114 StarStrike 113 RoadBlaster 114 KentuckyBnk 114 5th- 4,400, ct, 3YO ImaRonDner 117 TableMountn 113 MainAngle 113 HnslysExprs 113 Quickernmnt 119 MinniePlesrs 113 MistyCastle 113 CoolArngmnt 116 cl, 3YO a- Rahmadah 114 BreezingBye 114 ThsMgcMmn 117 FloatingSoap 120 Marymedont 120 CatoosaGirl 114 a-Coupled. Balaclava 120 NonHanion 117 SalisburySal 117 GloriousFest 122 MissConcielo 114 Shaviana 114 Poetry 118 cl, mdn 61, LibertysLgcy 118 CaptainHorts 122 UnwinSprng 120 M.P.sDouble 120 SnortinDugie 113 115 NeedLife 120 DuckDuckgs 120 Webetoys 120 up, 7f. Asbodascanb 120 PuntingPole 122 Grndintrcptn ThreeTens AlbrtMckfny 114 120 Toleware 118 YessirReeBb 119 117 Colorex SpeakSpansh 117 SELECTIONS SpaceToKvn 110 Laurel Tuesday 1-French Impulse, Time Being, man 2YO, 6f.

Blow. Loveton 120 2-Run Shelter Run, Signal Tower, FlowerLord 118 Night Games. NorthCarolin 120 3-Fat Lady Sings, David's Hop, WillLacy 120 Irish Feast. Herez 4-Miss Muskoko, Lady Splendeer, MisterU.H.F. 120 Go Nellie.

a- Tominnes 118 5-Mt. Airy Belle, Cram Session, ReturnTPwr 113 Mcphail Road. 0-StrikingJhn 118. 6-Wimpole Mews, Russian Diplomacy, Jolly Five. 7-Thirty Eight Knots, Flower 3YO up, 7f.

Lord, So Help Me Doc. Snowing 115 8-Peruse, Polished Approach, TakeovrTrgt 115 Stop Song. MissSheley B. 119 9-Salisbury Sal, Dance Til Two, Peruse 115 Peche Isle. 10-Captain Horatius, Albert Mick3Y0 up, 11-16mi.

finney, Speak Of Tim. DanceTilTwo 117 Best Bet- Salisbury Sal Speedy Zee (Gross) 2.60 Off 3:07. Time 1:11. Scratched Superseder. Perfecto (2-4) paid $40.00.

Trifecta (2-4-7) paid $268.60. cl, 3YO up, 6t. He Sure Is (Henson) 16.40 5.60 2.80 The B. Train (Flores) 4.20 2.40 Key Double (STrujillo) 2.20 Off 3:31. Time 1:12 1-5.

Scratched Complete Circuit, Quinella (1-8) paid $35.40. Perfecto (8-1) paid $80.80. alc. 3YO UP, 6f. My Nurse (Patrick) 4.40 3.00 Rullas Best (Tennenbaum) 3.00 2.40 Sunny And Bold (Jenkins) 2.60 Off 3:57.

Time 1:10 2-5. Perfecta (8-4) paid $10.40. cl, 3YO up, tmi.70yds. HeadOSly (Dona) 88.80 17.60 7.00 Native Bill (Patrick) 3.20 2.80 Perfect Pruner (Tsuchiya) 3.20 Off 4:23. Time 1:44 3-5.

Perfecto (10-8) paid $267.40. Superfecta paid $2.730.40. Daily Double (8-10) paid $172.40. Attendance: 1,708. Handle: $265,818.00.

CarolinaCpck 122 alc. 2YO, 6f. Slewisme 113 OverallChoic 113 RareTiger 113 3YO up, Imi. FirstCotillion 116 SlingShotAnn 113 SecretBrifng 114 BoFoster 116 Ms.Derbyday 114 AncientFlam 122 alc, 3YO up, 6f. AnchorMan 117 RomantRydr 114 0-HighstRdg 107 Granduce 116 Soared 114 SongQuest 114 DmndBrntRn 111 Magicsum 114 BridalDinner SingingBtrfly 113 114 Kirby NoonAnNight Bells 116 117 up, Kirtai LandngThBd 113 0-Inscription 120 108 ClayBaby 119 a-Coupled.

BePrudent 119 alc, 3Y0 up, 6f. SpeedPro 113 GatorContry 111 CaseysWestn 109 GoToTheValt 114 TempestsTxn 113 CountCopano 113 ExoticEire 113 Gallantidol Gladover 111 SouthernFlyr 113 c1, 3YO up, up, 6f. AutomatcPrs 116 GalleyUp 117 113 Exceptionist 114 CadillacsKng 113 BigFly 115 0-SparThJdg 114 IronAge 122 Greyfield 119 114 BurglarAirm 113 ChiefDancer RaisaGee 117 LittleHorsthf 116 FourDigits 116 113 Summercidr 109 Atreak 113 113 DadsOrphan BestWyCirnc 116 HwrdsGryLd 114 AngelsWarrr EmpireBuldr 119 DustysDarby 113 DarkChorg (Gdry) 7.00 3.20 2.60 Wally Wardlaw (Lindsay) 2.80 2.60 Man Or Mouse (Torres) 3.20 Off 2:16. Time 1:12 3-5. Scratched Spud R.

Perfecta (3-9) paid $14.20. cl, 3YO up, Hasty Robry (Cirk) 17.20 7.40 4.40 Dont Tinker (Sorrows) 4.20 3.20 Special Outfit (Sellers) 2.60 Off 2:53. Time 1:18 1-5. Scratched Haz's Boys, Top Smoker, What's Your Pick, Ashley's Toy. Perfecta (2-11) paid $99.40.

Trifecta (2-11-10) paid $297.00. cl, man 2YO, 6f. Avenger Alb(Mier) 9.40 4.60 4.80 Rich Reflection (Lasala) 7.00 4.60 Rozzie's Hour (Hirdes) 5.80 Off 3:18. Time 1:14 2-5. Scratched -My Aunt Tish, Assagai's Joy, Swift Dancer, Aunt Sophia.

Perfecta (5-3) paid $5.80. qualified from 3rd Wetziar 115 OddNumbers 108 HappyAsLrk 119 SoloMammth 112 Benva 119 PineoloStar 117 cl, HonestAngel 116 Heres ToNick 111 MntryExpns 115 MaiesticDctr 111 6th- 6,000, cl, Hawktion 119 Sporty Boy 119 MonetryCnsl 119 Positivly Unri 119 AllTheGlory 119 Dr. Washti 119 cl, CountryPlac 107 ShufflAndRn 114 LookingFrM 114 cl, 310 up, 1mi.70yds. Thatsfaysrain (Meir) 12.80 6.80 4.00 Frankie's Pol (Lindsay) 4.20 3.80 Expensive Gift (Sellers) 3.60 Off 3:47. Time 1:44 4-5.

Perfecta (4-5) paid $71.20. Trifecta (4-5-7) paid $454.40. alc. 3YO up, 6f. Silver Caper (Razo) 23.40 7.40 3.20 Jin's Command (Torres) 4.80 3.00 Martini Twist (Sellers) 2.40 Off 4:11.

Time 1:11 4-5. Perfecta (5-6) paid $102.40. alc, 3YO up, 6f. SpartaLady (Retle) 34.60 13.40 6.20 Mystic Gold (Guidry) 5.60 3.80 Naskra Screen (Sorrows) 6.60 Off 4:38. Time 1:13 1-5.

Perfecta (8-1) paid $224.80. Trifecta (8-1-7) paid $1,440.20. PickSix (3-2-5-4-5-8) No Winner. 4 Wins paid $207.60. Car- Shanda Rose dis- ryover $22,866.00.

Attendance 3,608. to 4th. Handle $1,532,722.00. Badge 115 ct, 3YO up, MagicKino 119 AmitPrabha 118 MahJongLdy 107 Sloops Return HiddenSquw 112 114 119 Missionette WingedFury 118 114 LegalAdvice 109 103 LackaComdn Donostiarra 116 ProperStep 110 3YO up, 61f. MomsBrthdy 116 .112 ChrstphrCick 115 SuperNeat 112 GalleriaGirl 104 MomentsMrg 114 Kiss YourSttz 116 0-WnWthGir 107 ArmoredCat 116 a-Coupled.

CorkCity 105 man 2YO, 7f. alc. UP, 6f. GinMoc 119 PennysGrowl 112 Fairway Gods 112 SovereignOn 119 MySwetRpic 122 Addy Bug 111 BelligerntBy 119 HiMaudie 112 SunnyStunnr 119 CountryKing 119 WinngPrtnrs 113 RunawayIrsh 113 Gunfighter 109 c1, 3Y0 up, 1mi70yds. FlyJaneFly 102 UlitmateHgh 114 2YO, 6f.

SunshineStat 112 ViteVictoria 114 LightningFrc 114 BrashFlesh 103 Swishing 109 LawZioZio 114 LyleSonic 112 VisionLady 107 TonzoDance 114 GrayArrabsa 114 WhizWagon 116 Speak Fast Irishimage 116 L.J.sLckyLd Beat TheBest 116 GenPrpsDrm 2nd- cl, man 2YO, 4. ImBelievable 120 RalphsBid a-SmriNrthr 116 NorthernBult JustWinglt 116 LovePrince LordPrvdncl 120 BigJuddy 0-SamOrMoc 116 0-Coupled. cl, min 384YO, 4. 115 Patty Mcpokr ItsYourBid 120 MetricRule NoPossing 120 Nasty Intentn CerfLody 122 119 cL. 3YO 119 HonestLight 116 116 a- RegalWritr 116 Charmngirsh 112 116 SilkBuck 112 116 o-Coupled.

116 5th- c1, 2YO, 116 BangsAwght 120 Sunday Finst 120 ShapelyWit 120 Memes Rose 120 112 cl, 3YO 120 DomnntStrkr 116 115 Reallydusty 104 113 Time ThisFell 117 11ml. Superceded 112 BlackFortun 113 SilvieWho 114 116 ArchtctsFshn 116 Klaytone 112 111 CEstFast EnemyAgent 105 114 0-NtThTrmr AlwysWngng 112 B.C.MeToo 116 NaskrasDrm 111 MyFrindLstr 116 4. NewEmbsrd 107 112 The Whip 112 Father Durns 116 TufTami CurlyShirley 116 116 Adagio Dancr 116 120 0-Coupled. Valiant Illustyrion Emze 116 8th- cl, 3Y0 um, M. NiceHop 114 WhatA Batsnbckrbs Thief 114 LordStutz MontanoBay 107 120 Clavel 116 MickeysPloc 107 BarAMiracle 120 FreeChonnel 114 SwiftMoon 109 114 HIALEAH RESULTS mdn 2YO, 6f.

mdn, 2YO, 4f. Wasichus (Breen) 2.60 3.20 Say Thank (Ldno) 3.80 3.20 8 2.80 ZumSpas (Solom) 3.20 2.60 2.20 Whirling Chase (Conner) 4.00 Passumplea(Ariste) 11.00 3.20 GracefulLose(Vrgra) 5.00 3.80 Off 4:23. Time 1:51 3-5. Perfecto Off 1:02. Time 1:14 Trifecta Off 3:02.

Time 1:12 1-5. Scratched ing. No Pick Six Wagering. CarSkytrek (Q'Quinn) 3.80 Beijing Beauty (Martinez) 2.80 (5-3) paid $9.40. No Trifecta Wager(8-2-1) paid $486.00.

Perfecta (8-2) -Presumed Guilty. Perfecta (6-7) ryover: $1,754.42 paid $55.60. paid $9.00. Trifecta (47-1) paid alc. 3YO up, 11mi.

cl, 3YO up, 6f. $49.00. TiaJuon(Vrgra) 4.80 2.60 2.20 Fly By Wire (Terry) 4.00 3.00 2.10 6th- cl, 3YO UP, 7t. Sunday Native (Solomone) 3.60 3.00 Pasear (Solomone) 8.60 2.80 Cachuma (Breen) 97.40 17.00 4.40 Cremiest (Ramos) Rise At Down (Hernandez) 2.40 Zipadoon (Petro) 3.40 2.20 Off 4:55. Time 1:52 3-5.

Scratched Off 1:29. Time 1:11 2-5. Daily Dou- United Times (Bullard) 2.60 Munchkin Michele, Tea For Top, ble (8-5) paid $16.40. Trifecta (5-3-9) Off 3:33. Time 1:24 3-5.

Scratched First Prediction, Great Review. No paid $157.40 Perfecta (5-3) paid -Appointment Only. Trifecta Trifecta Wagering. Perfecta (4-6) $37.80. (2-4-5) paid $528.20.

Bet Three paid $19.00. 3rd- The third race was con- (44-2) paid $1,132.00. Perfecto (2-8) 10th- cl, 3YO, 6f. celled due to technical satellite dif- paid $103.28. TThe Devil (Rdrgz) 17.80 10.00 6.80 ficulties.

7th- The Seventh race at Hialeah Oopoopadoo (Petro) 14.40 4.00 UP, 4. was cancelled. This was a simul- Cross And Drums (lanelli) 4.00 MaidenName(Mrtnz) 9.60 6.60 8.20 5.80 5.00 cast nical from satellite Aqueduct difficities but due the to tech- race ble Off (4-5) 5:19. paid Time $43.00. 1:11 3-5.

Trifecta Late (5-2-4) Dou(Smith) I'm Dirty Too (Solomone) 3.40 was cancelled. paid $671.00. Bet Three (5-4-5) paid Off 2:27. Time 1:11 4-5. Perfecto 8th- 8,000, alc, 3YO up, 11ml.

$175.60. Perfecta (5-2) paid $148.44. (4-6) paid $86.00. MightyMid(Vrgra) 3.80 2.60 2.80 Attendance 2,207. Handle HIALEAH ENTRIES Post Time: 1:00 (EDT) SuzannePird 115 DawnsFrolic 122 LooksLikeFn 114 CatchaBreez 114 cL, man 2YO, 4f.

MissWardne 120 Ariesimage 122 cl, 3YO up, Filion zeroes in on another record 3 By PAUL BAUMGARTNER STAFF WRITER Don't look now, but Herve Filion, a racing and automobile driver extraordinaire, is course for another record-shattering year in the North American dash-winning race. Filion, the last of the commuting doubleheader drivers, fashioned an alltime high of 798 victories in 1988. He entered last weekend with 747, a pace projected to lift him. above 800 triumphs this year. Filion, 49, who resides in Old Westbury, N.Y., on Long Island, usually drives about 150 miles round trip Filion from his home to two tracks daily via expressways.

The doubleheader routine lasts at least 10 months a year. The 5-6, 160-pound reinsman starts his day at Freehold, N.J., which has exclusive matinee racing, then finishes at Yonkers, N.Y., which has mostly evening programs. Filion also fits in evening appearances at the Meadowlands in East Rutherford, N.J., for important stakes races. He is the only driver to have 20 or more seasons of $1 million in purses for horse owners. Freehold, a half-mile track, is 35 miles south of Manhattan via the New Jersey Turnpike.

Yon- the Big Apple via the New York Thruway. "Herve loves to drive, literally," said John Pawlak, United States Trotting Association publicity chief. "He must know every pothole on the roads in two states and know all the Metro area toll booth attendants by their first names. He used to fly by helicopter, but it got too expensive for him." Far and away the sport's leading dash-winning driver, Filion, with 11,940 career triumphs, started his United States sulky career at Vernon (N.Y.) Downs at age 21. Born in Angers, Quebec, a remote farming community, Filion worked his way up the hard way, earning it.

"Because our family didn't have an automobile back then, we had work horses on the farm and we used road horses for shopping and other chores," said Filion, the only harness driver to ever win the Hickok Pro Athlete belt award. "In those days, my father had to work hard to raise 10 children, eight boys and two girls," added the youngest inductee (age 36 in 1975) to the Harness Hall of Fame. "My father started racing as a hobby and for part-time income when I was nine years old. I raced officially when I was 12 and finished second. At 13, I won my first race at Rigaud Filion's best single-program effort was eight winners at Hinsdale, N.H., in 1978.

He is coholder of the Northfield one-card mark with six victories, set during the 1970s, along with Art Bier and the late Lew Williams. In 1988, Filion found time to visit Lexington (Ky.) Red Mile. He knocked of a second off the world freshman filly pacing mark with Dee's Trish, a 1:52 miler. The FrenchCanadian won the 1971 and 1979 Little Brown Jugs with Nansemond and Hot Hitter, respec- 6 tively. If Northfield Park had an award for the best new driver of 1989, the honor would probably go to Del S.

Miller, a native of Lockbourne, 0. A consistent top 10 driver here, Miller, 34, who shifted from Lebanon (0.) Raceway this summer, 14 is not related to Harness Hall of Fame driver Delvin (Del) Miller, hence he lists "Del to avoid confusion in harness reports. weekend, Miller's 16th triumph came aboard 4-year-old Lancer's Way, a pacer leased by a group of USTA data-processing and publicity department employees from Columbus. "It was a great feeling because Lancer's was. our first winner in quite a few tries," said assistant publicist captain Paul Ramlow.

"We call our group, The Other Building Stable, as most of our partners work in data processing, which is in a building separate from the main USTA headquarters." The Other Building previously owned or leased Sassyalass, M.E. Mactwee and Lady Guru, all non-winners before they were sold or claimed. Outlook is optimistic for St. Louis Downs Thoroughbred track just may beat the odds By CHRISTOPHER CAREY ST. LOUIS POST -DISPATCH Opening a thoroughbred track is anything but a sure bet, especially in a state without racing.

New tracks in Iowa, Minnesota and Alabama have encountered financial problems in the past few years because they couldn't attract or retain enough fans. But some in the industry say St. Louis Racetrack Development the company planning a $27.6 million facility near Foristell, has a reasonable chance of finding the winner's circle. "A new with a quality product and the right kind of marketing could do well," said Rich Schul-. hoff, a spokesman for the Thoroughbred Racing Association in Lake Success, N.

Y. The St. Louis company has an advantage over developers in other states because it can use attendance and wagering figures for Fairmount Park in Collinsville to develop projections for its operation, Schulhoff said. Fairmount Park, a 63-year-old track, drew an average of 3,868 a day from April through October and handled an average of $419,909 in bets. That translates to nearly $109 a person.

Given the population base of the area, the new track should be able to meet its goal of 5,000 fans a day, Schulhoff said. Those people probably would bet $10 to $15 less each than patrons at Fairmount until they become familiar with the and the styles of racing at the new track. But an average of $90 should be enough to keep the track healthy. The biggest question in the projections is the price of the facility, Schulhoff said. "It sounds low for what they want to do." Prarie Meadows, a relatively modest track that opened this year in Altoona, Iowa, cost about $47 million.

It averaged 2,862 people during its 169-day season and handled an average of $224,549 in bets. The disappointing results already have led officials to revise the rac- AQUEDUCT RESULTS cl, 3YO UP, 11mi. 13.40 6.20 3.80 Knight Minstress (Aguila) 4.40 3.60 Bountiful Pleasure (Goossens) 12.60 Off 12:30. Time 1:54 3-5. Scratched Forlioniuli.

Exacta (1-7) paid $59.80. cl, 3YO uP, 6f. 32.20 12.20 6.80 da-Forestay (Medero) 3.80 2.60 Intrepid Voyager (Santagata) 4.00 Off 12:55. Time 1:12 3-5. Scratched Temperence Week.

Daily Double (1-8) paid $260.40. Exacta (8-1) paid $125.00. Quinella (1-8) paid $46.20. da-Forestay disqualified from ist to 2nd. cl, mdn 2YO, 6f.

MoreBeter (Vsz) 12.00 6.40 5.60 Heat (Maple) 10.80 6.20 Border Captain (Carr) 4.00 Off 1:24. Time 1:13 2-5. Scratched -Giant Cracker, Prince's Prince, Nest, Softie Mel, Genuine Onyx, No Sightings. Exacta (13-6) paid cl, man 2YO, 6f. MOUNTAINEER Post Time: 7:00 (EST) cl, 3-485YO, RunHrbrtRn 121 MeasrOfFrin GreyGunShot 118 TravelinJohn GreatLeader 121 Winning Rood DallasNorth 118 DonsByngrm Acks Bock 121 cl, 3YO UP, 4f.

Hungitonem 121 ShanesBoy EasyAsis 121 Wildlrish Levenworth 121 CherokeeFst Crafty Rogue. 121 Enduring FrenchMony 121 PMNews AvatarsLight 121 3rd cl, 3YO UP, 6f. ComndrTJ. 121 Stumpage ColleensBoy 121 BushysBoy KlassyOpertr 121 AccompnyM KeeneFellow LittleVenture SirHorvy B. 121 SimEno MuchoGold 121 RegalRain cl, JYO UP, 6f.

D. Pierre 115 YeSugrDncr Albia 118 RoceN Joe DonsGroy 115 Vikings Roar RoyalRogue 118 Dancerack Adversarial (Graell) 14.80 8.60 6.20 Dan's Prospect (Aguila) 10.60 8.40 Scalp Lock (Chavez) 5.20 Off 1:53. Time 1:14 2-5. Scratched Hall's Faireswheel, Ultimate Raincheck, Hurler, Fabre Bluff, Chronoscope, Judicially. Exacta (9-4) paid $195.00.

Quinella (6-9) paid $97.40. 5th- cl, 3YO up, 1mi. HastyWords(Sntgta) 11.60 6.20 4,40 RelatvlySmrt(RIRis) 15.80 5.60 Arctic Beat (Santos) 2.60 Off 2:19. Time 1:38. Exacta (3-7) paid $142.60.

2YO, 7f. FriinTop(McCrthy) 4.20 3.00 2.60 PatsyMcAnnCan(Smyn) 8.80 5.20 Simply Supreme (Martinez) 5.40 Off 2:44. Time 1:27 4-5. Scratched -Venture Princess, Sugar Dance, Mrs. Manicotti, Feadship, Dr.

Velvet, Lady D'Accord. Exacta (9-13) paid $45.40. alc, 3YO up, Imi. Snar (Cordero) 4.40 3.00 2.60 Sir Albert (McCauley) 5.80 Rock Opera (RPRomero) 480 PleasantHos 115 FancyHigh 115 o- 115 a-Coupled. cl, 3YO MermaidLdy 115 FrolicHome 118 DanceHiMly Kacis Valentn 115 EsthersChoic 115 BarbaraBeil 115 118 cl, 3YO RedNile 118 GenunTrmps 112 115 Moment InCrt 118 SacredRuler 115 cl, 3YO 118 EnomisLady 115 iceHolidoy 115 PrimeMnstrs 115 MemrsOfRck 118 FemalRsnng 121 My Desiree 111 HARNESS RACING COLUMBUS (AP) The weekly harness leaders as compiled by the U.S.

Trotting Association: Money -winning Horses 1, Goalie Jeff, $1,682,151. 2, Dexter Nukes. 3. Matts Scooter, $1,015,994 4, Peace Corps. $1,002,701.

5, In The Pocket, $792,422 6, Sandman Hanover, $749,153. 7, Kentucky Spur, $723,945. 8, Pork Avenue Joe, $666,311. 9, Cheery Hella, $572,664. 10, Bruce's Lady, $567,538 ing schedule and look for new mar- keting ideas.

St. Louis Racetrack Development has said it will spend $750,000 on advertising and promotion to make sure it draws enough people to Louis Downs. The company hopes to have the track open by early 1992. St. Louis Downs would have a fully enclosed grandstand and clubhouse with 6,000 seats.

It would have stall space for 1,200 horses and parking for. about 5,000 vehicles. It would be built on more than 300 acres on the northern side of I-70. Investors, all Missourians, have pledged about $11 million. They hope to get the rest of the money from an industrial revenue bond issue.

Banks are leery of lending for new tracks because of financial problems that have plagued Birmingham Turf Club in Birmingham, and Canterbury Downs in Shakopee, Minn. The Birmingham track closed after one racing season, 1987, but was revived this year by new investors. The Birmingham developers ran into trouble because they overestimated how the track would be received by area residents. "They had a purse structure and salary structure that was way out of line with what it should have been," Schulhoff said. Birmingham Turf Club and its consultants had estimated that the track would attract 10,000 a day, and that they would wager an average of $100, Schulhoff said.

The track drew only 7,500 a day, and the average person bet just $60. Canterbury Downs prospered for two years, but lost patrons who tired of fighting traffic on narrow access roads. Canterbury lost about $7.5 million in its most recent meet, bringing the accumulated deficit to roughly $40 million. Remington Park in Oklahoma City has fared much better. The $100 million track averaged 11,186 during its first two thoroughbred meetings and handled an average of $1.2 million.

Attendance is down slightly for this session, but wagers are up Remington Park has bucked the odds partly because of the deep pockets of its developer, shopping center magnate Edward DeBartolo. St. Louis Downs has an edge in that Missouri claims a smaller percentage of the betting dollar. Off 3:10. Time 1:38 2-5.

Scratched -Preferred Lie, Dance At Sea. Exacta (1-6) paid $30.60. alc. 3YO up, 1mi. Whodam (Cordero) 4.00 2.40 2.10 Yurtu (Maple) 2.60 2.10 Conquilot (Bailey) 2.10 Off 3:38.

Time 1:36 1-5. Scratched Cefis, Count On Romeo. Exacta (4-6) paid $10.20. Pick. Six (13-9-3-9-1-4) paid $9,904.00 (10 Tickets).

5 wins paid $91.00 (211 Tickets). cl, 3YO, RoyalVkg(MgIre) 7.80 4.00 3.20 Boulabally (Santiago) 5.20 4.20 Johnny Use To (Beitia) 3.80 Off 4:03. Time 1:55 3-5. Scratched Florida Law, Hustlin' King, Earnhardt, Inquisitive Nick. Daily Double (46) paid $18.80.

Exacta (6-11) paid $42.60. Triple (6-11-9) paid $198.00. Attendance: 8,212. Handie: $2,161,448.92. OTB Handle: $3,881,083.35.

Total Handle: $6.387,823.14. PruneGlow 115 cl, 3YO up, Rondando 115 Sharadrone 118 RoyalRagRn 115 a- Spry ThHtc 111 DeltaStraight 115 SterlingRood 115. GeneralAtick 121 Mr. Charmer 121 up, 6f. Schnell 118 ScrollLock 115 PrttyOne 115 NavyHitch 115 Valeska 118 cl, 3YO up, 1 1-16mi.

115 HoursOnly 121 GatoDe Yard 121 MultipleRose 115 NeverGambl 121 JustinTimDe 121 Lillian SteppinStphn Vinenz 112 115 Shadow MountainKng Foxy 121 121 Nonconfrmst ShrpAndQck 121 AngelsSon J.Square 121 UP, St. Dark Time 121 BarrySpecial 121 Letter ToFrh 118 cl, 3YO up, 1mi.70yds. Takeamomnt 115 121 TheAmbrCnt 115 EltonsPride 118 Subinetentins Trioc 116 Blustery 118 HihoMilo 121 SkateKey 115 SmartBetter 121 up, SecretEstate 115 DoubleNo 118 VickiesPrms 115 ShineOnDwn 121 Eager Dancer 115 cL, 3YO up, 11-16ml. JustaBride PotsGngrSnp 121 115 MikieSeven 121 DemeansGid 121 WitchDuck 115 Pristella 115 BerniesEagle 115 IdRathrFght 115 HamptonLily 115 PaternalPwr 121 Our Hussy 121 Zindian 115 MyMody Dbs 115 MiFi 115 Seas TheOne 115 Money Drivers 1, John Compbell, $9,677,063. 2, Michel Lachance, $7,209,504.

3, Herve Filion, $4,832,623. 4 Bill O'Donnell, $4,776,324. 5, Doug Brown, $4,701,985. 6. Bill Fahy, $4,660,839.

7, Cat Manzi, $4,144,254. 8, Jack Moiseyev, $3,830,535. 9, Ron Waples. $3.771,734. 10.

Steve Condren, $3,461,128. Speed ratings have a number of flaws 110 112 119 112 115 117 110 117 117 117 117 108 112 110 119 112 117 115 113 120 120 110 118 120 120 117 119 121 121 121 117 121 119 113 122 119 111 113 119 122 113 119 113 113 109 By ANDREW BEYER WASHINGTON POST The Daily Racing Form carries the authority of holy writ; every symbol and number in its past performances is invested with significance. The paper's publishers rarely tamper with their product. But the Form now has introduced a whole new component to the record of every horse in North America, the Speed Index, and has ballyhooed the innovation daily in its pages. At the bottom of each horse's record there now appears a line such as this: "Speed Index: Last Race: 3-Race 9-Race Overall This is the Form's belated response to decades of criticism that its speed.

ratings are worthless. It was surely prompted by the arrival of a competing paper, the defunct Figs Form, which made its sophisticated speed figures the centerpiece of its product. The Speed Index is derived from the two numbers that always have appeared in every past-performance line, the speed rating and the track variant. When a horse's record shows a pair of numbers like 72-23, the 72 is the rating, which shows how fast he ran; the 23 is the variant, which supposedly reflects the condition of the racing strip. Horseplayers traditionally have added the two figures together, but now the Form saves them the trouble.

It compares the sum with 100, and that's the Speed Index. In the case of the 72-23 horse, those numbers total 95, so the Speed Index is This calculation evokes the old aphorism of computer programmers, "garbage in, garbage out," because the speed ratings and track variants on which the Speed Index is based are riddled with flaws. In the Racing Form's speed-rating system, the best time run at a particular track and distance during the past three years has a value of 100. One point is subtracted from 100 for each fifth of a second slower than this standard. If the best six-furlong time at Laurel is 1:09, a horse who runs in 1:12 has run 15 fifths of a second slower than the record and thus gets a rating of 85.

The defects of this method could be seen clearly in a race this week at Laurel. A horse named Daisy Patch has an overwhelmingly superior Speed Index for his last race which he earned by running miles in 2:07 3-5 at Penn National. That is a ridiculously slow time, but Daisy Patch gets a high rating because Penn National cards few races at this distance and the track record for the distance is unrealistically slow. Any horse who runs miles at Penn National will get a good speed rating. Track records flimsy basis for evaluating horses' times.

If the Racing Form's speed ratings are filled with such logical inconsistencies, the track variants are even more misleading. They purport to show how fast the racing surface is on any given day again, by making comparisons with the track record. Last Thursday, a filly named Find Rachele had the superior Speed Index in a field, based on a speed rating of 82 and a track variant of 22 numbers that suggested she had run reasonably fast on a track' that was fairly slow. But these figures proved to be misleading, because of the way the variant was calculated: On Oct. 24, Find Rachele ran 1-16 miles in 1:46 1-5, earning a speed rating of 82, because she was 18 fifths of a second slower than the record for that distance.

One other route race was run the same day; it happened to be an event for cheap maidens, and the time was 1:47 4-5 26 fifths slower than the record. The Form averaged 18 and 26 to come up with the variant of 22. Find Rachele came up with a good figure because the other route race happened to be a cheap slow one. If Find Rachele had run on a day when a fast stakes race was being run, the variant would have been lower and she would have wound up, with a much worse Speed Index for the same performance. Serious handicappers recognize these flaws and ignore the speed ratings in the Form but, even so, the introduction of the Speed Index is galling.

If the Daily Racing Form wants to improve its product, it could make plenty of changes. It ought to show when horses have been treated with. Lasix in previous starts. It might show (as Figs Form did) an indication that horses have worn bandages in their previous starts. It could show horses who were equipped with stickers on sloppy tracks.

But the Racing Form has ignored these possibilities and instead put its effort and hype behind a calculation that is no more than a recycling of the same old trash. NATIONAL STANDARDBRED POLL No. HORSE A-G S-1-2-3 PTS LW 1. Matt's Scooter (20) 4-P 29-22-3-1 290 2. Peace Corps (10) 3-T 19-16-1-0 278 3.

Goalie Jeff 3-P 31-17-6-4 239 4. Armbro Feather 5-P 30-21-7-1 213 5. Till We Meet Again 2-P 15-12-2-0 158 6. Cheery Hello 3-P 22-15-4-0 100 7. Backstreet Guy 2-T 14-12-1-0 75 8.

Dexter Nukes 3-P 27-19-2-3 67 9. Sandman Hanover 3-P 28-16-4-2 57 10. Valley Victory 3-T 7-7-0-0 54 MEADOWLANDS Post Time: 7:30 (EST) alc. 3YO UP. 1mi.70yds.

SavannhRvr 116 Sly Roberto 115 JustineLove 112 Sunny Insprtn 112 JestBeware 112 KoluctoosLor 112 OneMorePos 116 2nd cl, man 2YO, 1mi.70yds. LadyB.Good 117 ExcanglySwt 113 KlasyBtNsty CandiceKey. 113 LaBlinkie BaronessBth 108 CzarsCelbrty 117 MissileMuscl 113 Lady Twosie 113 WellAloft 117 cl, 3YO, 1mi. JustaRollin 115 LaughAMint 110 Joey SaidNo 117 SnoopNScoop 111 Chestr Thistr 115 Backnthhghif 111 Srume 111 BeauxArts 115 2. 118 5 118 114' 114 man 2YO, 6f.

alc, 3YO up, 4. NotableVctry 117 LisPendens 114 HelatisWknd 118 MollyMyLov 117 BubbaM. 116 ThirdAndMrs Chickory 117 LibysPrtyBy 114 EdinbrghCstl 118 b- Joey Doctor 117 BrnBdGtWrs 114 MarkitWell 114' LitigantMs. 113 VinSea 114 Hawkyso.K 114 EloquentStep 117 b-Coupled. alc.

114 3YO uP, 3YO, 6t. MemrblMtch GoKittyGo 114 BostonMiss 108 MothrOfEght 116 BlueAimable Semideity 110 CopperMed LoveHateAfr 111 MyfvrtChrty ShesoSecret 115 114 MrlynsMysta 116 Sensatious 115 9th- cl, min 3Y0 up, 61. 2YO, ForgotenSon 117 a-PisntSrprs 117 115 SponshCmnd 118 Rashid PortobellRd. 120 122 R.Ricci LooknFrTrbl 120 Requiem 118 AmrsAduntr 118 MichelleJ. CharlesButir 120 120 a-Dreamirsh 118 Christar 120 LordEgbert 0-GinaMio RambinCwby 115 3.

ENTRIES 121 118 121 118 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 112 115 118 112 ENTRIES cl, Palate Pleasr 117 a-Hahira 108 b- DreminHr 117 Z.SherisCann 112 o- Dear Jennfr 112 SharpCircle 115 a-Coupled. 5th- cl, DoorbstrSpel 115 BoldRedWng 115 co*ckyMichell 111 NineSweets mdn. a-Mr Michli. 118 CheeryFrSny 118 ShoreBreeze 118 MyPalPotsy 118 MatthwMch! 118 0-Coupled. 116 115 117 120 120 120 115 1 17.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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