What Is "Christ" To The Jews And Why It Exists? (2024)

"Christ" is a stolen title from High Priests of the Ancient past circa 200 BC to 300 AD which has to do with being "Christened" or actually "Initiated" in the mysteries. That's all it means. It's just a name, and it existed way long before the advent of "Christianity".

It also existed as a name, like "Christopher" or "Christi", which are names related to this as well. Many people in all the history of the world were given surnames based on attainments of their clan, or titles that had to do with their attainments.

The foundation of this was information jews drew in from Solar Pagan religions of their area and they heard about the "Christs", and then they made a jewish hoax to deceive the masses. They literally turned a spiritual concept into a false history, purposefully. The concept of "Iesus Christ" it means "Healer and Initiated in the Mysteries" in Ancient Greek.

That's all on the term by "itself".

Then they started saying the story was "Literal" about a Jewish Rabbi and Torah "reformer" from Nazareth, who was born, raised and lived only inside Israel of the time, and how awesome he was, and how awesome that he had a beef with other jewish people over jewish "Torah" interpretation.

Then they started selling this story repackaged to the goy with Solar Pagan elements in it like the "resurrection", the "raising of the dead", the "eternal life" and other terms that had to do with the original point of the title of the "Christos", and attributing these to a kike.

Fundamentally, it was Torah Judaism or the "Old Testament" which is the Torah of the Jews. Since nobody non jewish would buy this as literal, they furthered the hoax with perversions to make it "acceptable" to the "Pagan Cultists" in the "New Testament" by inserting Pagan elements widely known and acceptable at the time.

That's why the "New Testament" that was aimed as a "Gospel to the Gentiles" has the most suicidal advice in it. It's for their enemies to consume.

The "Old Testament" is nothing but a book of jewish gore and hate that has to do with the conquests of the jewish race which never happened and is solely pseudohistory by the weakest race of the planet which are the jews.

Further confusing all of this, and eventually mixed the first and primary jewish "religion" into a mega-hoax that falsely claims that people will be "saved" if they do nothing but they "believe" in that particular "begotten" jew, that never existed.

Of course, the disability program they offered, was against everything that would truly spiritually promote a person that followed the cult, forbidden spiritual practices, nothing but "believe", suicidal advice, disarming of the mind and the body, and other deplorable "virtues". These are reversals of already existing virtues that were true and noble.

Any remnants of "occult" into this is because all of these are accumulated stolen legends from Pythagoreans, Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians and Middle Eastern philosophers. As all of the "Bible" is just stolen, there are many elements in it which resemble slightly altered "parables" and messages with only the names of the characters slightly altered and changed, with further inserted suicidal advice. And then presenting the jews as the source.

The biggest theft is from Ancient Greece on that hoax, and was facilitated by "Hellinized Jews" or kikes that were unfortunately taught Greek in the vast Greek empire of the time of the creation of the hoax. They had access therefore to spiritual knowledge of many civilizations, and this allowed them to cook a giant hoax.

Jews made this program in order to ruin the Roman Empire, who was really fond of the Greek thought, but was unable to articulate it fully stemming from a lesser background than what it inherited from the Greeks.

Most people were highly illiterate and could hardly understand clerical duties or knew about "history", let alone occult aspects of what is what, which was something only the very studied people could understand.

These huge gaps in understanding and haphazard decisions, same as jewish infiltration in Roman Empire, instated this program of death and mass control in order to "control" the masses better as an exchange for the unholy bargain, as it was based on suicidal virtues of weakening and abundant slavery mentality.

Jews never accepted this program for their midst as they knew it was "originally Pagan" and contained an overwhelming amount of Pagan things in it, which they detest.

Then they sold this out as that jew was actually good for the Gentiles, because jews generally see everything against their culture as excrement. Therefore, "Jesus" who was a symbol of what is excreted from jewish culture and was a lunatic, is a perfect jew to sell as super wise retard teacher to the "goyim", who are stupid anyway.

Despite of knowledge that this jew is the least important of any actual Greek Philopher, or dignified Brahman, they sold this as the "mega savior" to the already illiterate and stupid people who took the hoax in.

They also know it's a bogus hyperbole of an event that never happened, as they made up the whole hoax around this character and they generally view the symbol they created in hate. That's nothing weird, it's like you created crack cocaine, and you hate it, but since you are Heisenberg, it's giving you profits.

Wise jews cannot accept this for the same reason the creators of a lie won't believe in it, and will protect their people [jews] from believing in it. They will not get high on their own supply.

They forbid belief in this even remotely, in the same way a crack dealer would forbid his children from doing crack.

Meanwhile, as they "forbid" this for themselves, they advertise it strongly to the Gentiles, to weaken them down and put a noose of slavery onto their throats.

They also pretend that they are evil and against the "Good Jesus" in order for idiots to accept him, using reverse psychology. "If jews must hate that, it must be good for us". But the jews don't hate the crack, they hate crack for THEMSELVES.

Crack for the goyim slaves is a very good output in their mind. As such, you have overwhelming promotion of Christianity in the West for centuries and centuries.

They also "hate" this program as it's a toxic combination and the mere idea that their own race of "Enlightened ones" who made this hoax should accept this, is simply unacceptable to them, like the creators of crack cocaine and their great knowledge of what it does to people who do that drug. They consider any jew who falls for this hoax just retarded.

Meanwhile it's exported and advertised everywhere to Gentiles who die cracked out believing in jewish hebrew lies that are on a box that says "Pagan Solar Religion Antiobiotics tables" because that's the cover of the box.

The content of the box are crack tablets that are killing anyone. They are so deceived that they cannot understand this because of lack of both occult and ancestral knowledge.

Emotionally, Gentiles are coerced to want to accept this program as it "represents" on the exterior parts of their ancestral culture, yet internally, it's a toxic deadly combination. As viruses assume a false external appearance to infiltrate a cell, so does that program.

Stupid cells allow the virus in, who later on spews the destructive DNA and takes over the cell, like Christian NPC's are taken over. Then, the ill cells, thinking they are fine, start attacking the healthy cells to subvert them to the virus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Leeges said:

I have been thinking.. the reason they do the body of Christ and blood of Christ in cannibalism rituals in the church and all is because Christ is a made up thought form for the human soul, that they rape and drain to keep us enslaved.

The actual Jesus character which means saviour of fire that you see in paintings does not exist but that it is our own human souls being chained to a cross.

What is the shape of the soul according to the JOS? It's a cross. So they use this to mock and enslave us, resulting in reincarnation as the soul can't take so much torment.

Once you see the truth "Sa-Ta-Na-Ma-Na", your soul is reborn in truth and stands on top of false teaching (false prophet), deception (There idea of third anti-Christ) and the Beast (All that is the Jew such as lying, murder, thieft etc) and is reborn in truth.

Just an idea I've had. I have seen spiritual warfare from both sides and most of Satanic warfare came from the false lies of Satan thought by the Jew and not true Lord Enki - lord of the earth in Satanama.

To burn is the yin to the yan which is the drown, balance in fire and water. Enki is the element of water.

What are your thoughts on this?

What Is "Christ" To The Jews And Why It Exists? (2024)
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