University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine (2024)

How did the interview impress you?

No change8

What was the stress level of the interview?


0 = low, 10 = high

How you think you did?


0 = low, 10 = high

What are your suggestions for the admissions office?

"Only one would be, if possible, to provide us with a parking pass. Most students tend to be from California and drive there. But 12 bucks isn't the end of the world."More from this Member| Report Response

"Be more honest with yourselves about the turn-around time for interviews. We were told with good confidence we would hear back within 2-4 weeks when in reality it was 6-8."More from this Member| Report Response

"Staff were accommodating and made sure we didn't have to spend too much time outside in the 100+ degree heat."More from this Member| Report Response

"None, great job so far. Very impressed."More from this Member| Report Response

"Nothing really. They were, by far, the most transparent and prompt throughout the entire process."More from this Member| Report Response

"More organized schedule and directions on the day of."More from this Member| Report Response

"Perhaps a slightly shorter interview day. The financial aid presentation was helpful, but could have been summed up in a few handouts. I had my interviews in the afternoon so I was already a little tired from lunch, the campus tour and the tour of County hospital. If the interviews were an hour earlier that might've help the day not feel so long."More from this Member| Report Response

"More info at the info sessions. The financial aid session was longer than the introduction to the school"More from this Member| Report Response

"Earlier notification of interview day schedule"More from this Member| Report Response

"Faster decision notification :)"More from this Member| Report Response

"It might be worthwhile to get all interviewing students together at the beginning of the day and have someone present briefly on curriculum, opportunities at USC, and maybe combine it with the financial aid presentation. It's a nice way to start out and meet other interviewing students."More from this Member| Report Response

"They rocked!"More from this Member| Report Response

"Very professional, yet friendly and invitiing. The admin office staff totally helped calmed my nerves after I initially showed up and felt a little nervous. After realizing how easy-going they were, it was all good. Keep it up!"More from this Member| Report Response

"keep doing what you're doing"More from this Member| Report Response

"the admissions office is amazing they are really friendly on the phone. you should however, tell us"More from this Member| Report Response

"Call us, and not snail mail us for decisions."More from this Member| Report Response

"It would be nice to have a little more time alloted for interviews. My morning interview ran a littl"More from this Member| Report Response

"The Admissions Office staff were very friendly and approachable, both over the phone and in person."More from this Member| Report Response

"It would have been nice to have a presentation from Dean Quinn."More from this Member| Report Response

"No suggestions, just a comment about how great Stephanie was for taking me on the tour herself when"More from this Member| Report Response

"Stephanie is fabulous. I missed the beginning of the tour due to my interview going a bit over and s"More from this Member| Report Response

"Make the Financial Aid Workshop longer, but other than that they were great."More from this Member| Report Response

"Rushed 13-minute financial aid session for an overpriced school = Bad."More from this Member| Report Response

"The woman at the admissions office is a total sweetheart. She made my day very pleasant!"More from this Member| Report Response

"GET ORGANIZED! My interviews were changed around three times and then they ended up giving me the w"More from this Member| Report Response

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"What do you think is the biggest issue in healthcare? (student and faculty)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is one current issue you see in healthcare?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell us about an ethical issue you faced and what you did in that situation."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is one major challenge you faced on your journey to med school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to attend Keck School of Medicine of USC?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your opinion on healthcare in the US?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are some of the problems you anticipate as a practicing physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about a time when you made a mistake and what you did to fix it."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me a little bit about yourself?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would your friends describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about youself"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are some ethical dilemmas you have experienced in your life?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are the biggest problems in healthcare today?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is one of the problems with our health care system you are concerned about?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself..."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about an ethical dilemma in your life"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How well do you work in groups? (student)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could allow for-profit kidney transplants, would you do it? Why or why not?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself (both asked this)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What single accomplishment are you most proud of?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How have you demonstrated the ability to resolve conflict in the past?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"This is by far the chillest interview I have ever had. Both the faculty and student interviewers were the two sweetest people I've encountered during the 2011 cycle. I've talked to other applicants about their interview experience and everyone on our interview day had a positive experience, so those of you preparing for this interview, DO NOT stress out. I know it's easier to say than do, as I was in your position two weeks ago stressing about the interview. But trust me, this interview is really relaxed. They ask you very generic closed interview questions: Tell me about yourself, why do you want to be a doctor, questions pertaining to your family. All other questions stemmed from my responses to those three questions. Good luck to you all and my only advice to you is to be urself."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself (expect this, as the interview is completely closed file. They know nothing about you yet)."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"It was totally a conversation. Be ready to tell your story and then follow up with interesting details."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would someone else say your weaknesses are?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself: literally the only direct question my faculty interviewer asked me. After that one question, all the questions from my faculty interviewer just naturally presented themselves (such as, tell me more about that). It was a great conversation, and basically the opposite of my student interviewer, who grilled me with many, many direct questions and hypothetical situations. My faculty interviewer closed up with: Anything else you want the admissions committee to know?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself, very open."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Faculty: What is a socio-ethical problem that concerns you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"interview one: I had to be there super early for this one, i am surprised i was able to make it. tell me about yourself? have you done any research? how have you been involved in your community? what do you feel about the healthcare bill? If you could give four suggestions to Obama what would you say? where do you see yourself in ten years, please be specific? what are you looking for in a medical school? how many schools have you applied to? how many schools have you interviewed in? how many have you got a response? which ones? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Both of my interviews were very conversational. I was lucky that neither tried to grill me.Student: Where are you from? Tell me about yourself? Why do you want to be a doctor? What experiences have shown you that you want to be a physician? What did you do for fun in college? Is there anything else you want me to know? A campus tour."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are your strengths?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself / why do you want to practice medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think is your greatest achievement during your lifetime?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Student Interview: Tell me about yourself. Why medicine? What do you do for fun? What books have you read recently? Why do you want to come to USC? Do you have any questions for me? Overall, the interview was very relaxed, conversational, and put me at ease for the rest of the day."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Since it was closed file, both interviewers asked me my mcat, gpa, major, etc. Then the classic, "tell me about yourself" question."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Discuss an ethical situation that you've given thought to. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are your greatest strengths and weknesses?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Give me a topic, any topic, within the health care system and tell me what you think of it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself (The interviews are completely blind, so it makes sense to start out with this)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What did you have for lunch?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How did you come to choose medicine."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why USC?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How will you and your partner deal with the demands of medical school in terms of time it will take away from your relationship?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself.........."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What should I know about you that isn't in your application?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are your motivations for becoming a physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what's an ethical issue doctors are faced with today?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why Keck?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What area of medicine do you see yourself in?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"So why medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was the last thing you read?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"tell me about yourself?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are your strengths and weaknesses regarding medical school or your future career?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What motivated you to pursue medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How has your major influenced how you view medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What qualities should a medical school look for in an applicant?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What qualities would you look for in an applicant if you were on the admissions committee?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"why medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why did your family come to the united States"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"tell me about yourself (closed file)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"All the general stuff: Tell me about yourself. Why medicine? Why USC?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your biggest strength/weakness?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think about our healthcare system? Are you concerned about it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I think you'll probably be bored during your first year here. (Not a question, but still one of the most confounding statements that's ever been put before me.)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What will you do if you dont get accepted to medical school? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"tell me about any research experience you've had as an undergraduate."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"my faculty interviewer said she was going to have some harder questions, but she either didn't ask them or they weren't harder than engaging in normal conversation."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Name one of your strengths and weaknesses. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why would USC pick you over another, analogous student?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what do you do for fun"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why medicine? Why not other health care professions?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who has most inspired you (two people)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to be a doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"if you were one ingredient of a big mac, what would you be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"how do you study?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was your biggest leadership position?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you feel is a physician's responsibility in dealing with AIDS patients?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"tell me about your work experience?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why medicine? Why USC and not UCLA? What can you bring to USC? What can USC offer you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would your friends describe you? How would your enemies describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What has been your greatest accomplishment?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about any research that you have done."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to attend Keck?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"why medicine? what would your friends say about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you do to relax, what do you value, superpower would you want, look for in friends"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Where do I see myself in 10-15 years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why medicine/why USC/why should we choose you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What element on the periodic table describes the way you are today? What element on the periodic table describes the way you want to be in the future?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you thing is the most controversial issue in medicine today? (i answered the huge uninsured population, but he was looking for smthing like stem cell, abortion..) So I talked about Abortions. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Pick a topic in health care that you are concerned with and talk about it for a couple of minutes."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think I should write for the admissions committee about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself, anything you want."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is a major problem in health care (asked during faculty interview)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What adjectives would friends use to describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you want to tell me?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your grandparents."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How do you think the Admissions Committee evaluates applicants? What do you think they base their decisions on?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How was your trip here?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Have you had any leadership experiences?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"name your strengths"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How did you get to where you are today?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Describe a problem in your life and how you solved it"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Talk about one of your experiences in which you took on a leadership role and how things went. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What else can I write about you that is distinctive? (or something similar to that)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell my about yourself."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself. When did you decide that you wanted to be a doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you have for me to tell the admissions committee?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"See above."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Ethical question (see above)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was an ethical or moral situation or decision that you have been faced with recently?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about some of the places you've been."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If a patient started coding in front of you and there was no one else in the room, what would you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could meet anyone past or present, who would you meet?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"pretty much the basics...i didn't even get the difficult ethics questions a lot of people have been talking about. i think they just want to get to know you and see if you are a normal person and how well you'd fit in at usc."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Managed care problems. Alternative career choice if medical school doesn't come through."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you put on your epitaph?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I actually went through three ethical questions. One from the faculty interviewer and one from the medical student. I posed a third ethical question to the medical student. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How did I like my undergrad institution? <br>Do I know what area I want to work in? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"Straight forward questions in a conversational style, so the questions had a lot to do with the responses I gave!"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What lasting changes have occurred in medicine due to COVID?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Asked about my favorite fast food place. I was living in the state (not Cali) that my student interviewer went to undergrad at and he was happy that someone could relate to the fast food out here."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think has been the most difficult part of the application cycle for you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"It was mostly a conversation. I can't remember a specific interesting question."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In your experience working with doctors, nurses, etc., what characteristics did you see that you liked the most and liked the least?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would your best friend describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Questions were quite conversational so they might not apply to everyone. I got asked to describe my undergraduate education in detail"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's the biggest animal you think you can beat in a fight?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What ethical dilemmas have you encountered?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are some of the challenges you forsee in your career?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If an alien were to land here on Earth and ask you to describe how our healthcare system currently works, what would you say?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What did your grandfather say about WWII?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite movie of all time?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Describe your best friend"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"None - It was all straightforward, just getting to know me"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Medicine is changing and it's inevitable can you handle that?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Where is health care going?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is the one thing that your parents would say that you will struggle with in medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Don't worry about the ethical aspect, but how would you handle having to tell a pregnant woman that her baby could have down syndrome?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you do for fun?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what is a problem you see with medicine"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Can you think of a time when you were struggling with something (e.g., research project, teaching a student, etc.), and how you dealt with that situation?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were a fruit, what would you be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me what you know about anemia. (the student has just been studying hematology)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why not just go to UCLA? It's much cheaper, and they have better research, right?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The most interesting questions were in response to the topics we had been talking about, topics that either me or the faculty member brought up. (these questions made up most of the interview by the way)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you deal with telling the family of a child bad news?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me everything you know about basketball."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think about the news story about the woman who just had the octuplets?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think is your greatest achievement?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"From the faculty interview: Explain a personal event that you consider to involve an ethical gray area, and how you processed it."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me your beliefs about paranormal physics in relation to medicine? Do you think Obama will accomplish all he has promised?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"A specific clinical question about organ transplant (which I work in) because the interviewer legitimately wanted to know."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"None of them really."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Student: Why do you think working with underserved groups is important as a physician? Why do you care?Faculty: What do you think will be your biggest challenge as a physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why don't you go to UCLA instead?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In 20 years, there may be a cure for everything and doctors will not be needed anymore. What will you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What can you see being challenging in your future career?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What movies have you seen/books have you read recently?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could have lunch with anyone past or present who would it be? (from student interview)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Where do you normally sit in class. (what row)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"none"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How do you spend your free time?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you fix the problem of the uninsured?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why did you apply to so few schools?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"All medical students start out with great attitudes and then something happens to htem between third and fourth year -- they start making fun of patients and rushing to get out of the hospital. Why do you think this happens and what will you do to prevent it from happening to you."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"n/a"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What does this painting make you think of?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"To be totally honest, it sounds like you're definitely not from an underpriviledged background. What would make you want to work with indigent, underserved patients at a county hospital?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think will be the biggest problem us, as physicians, will be facing? (student interview)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"No interesting questions. This literally was a conversation. I had to lead discussion."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Open ended discussion.. everything was pretty standard."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Nothing too interesting, more like I had to walk around LA county hospital (a bit crazy to say in the least) and avoid getting in fights with security guards or family members"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about a specific experience from your clinical internship."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could be anyone, in any time, place, who would you be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"how do you feel about healthcare in the US today?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Would you prescribe a lethal dose of barbituates to a terminal cancer patient and why or why not?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"You are the dean of the medical school and a student comes to you expressing discomfort having to treat an AIDS patient; student found a collegue to trade patients and wants your approval. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What will sustain you during medical school when you're stressed and busy?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How does USC suit your future career plans, and what are those career plans?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"none."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"none were really interesting, i didn't feel like they really wanted to get to know me. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do differently if you were a primary care doctor in a HMO system?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Since the interview was closed file, both interviews went more like conversations than anything else. There were the usual questions, like "why are you interested in medicine?" and "what experiences do you have that have reinforced your interest in medicine?" etc. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Which school is your top choice so far?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"My student interviewer came prepared with a list of 40 questions and he wanted answers to them all!"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Do you think it is possible for the student interviewer to be having a bad day and to give you a negative impression of the school? (this was asked by my faculty interviewer)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"tell me a story about how you dealt with a challenge"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How will you handle cultural barriers as a physician? (I had mentioned that cultural sensitivity in health care is a major issue)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Do you think illegal immigrants should be given free healthcare?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think about having a family with the busy schedule of becoming a doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were an interviewer, what would you you look for in a future doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do to change healthcare in America? (I was asked this twice)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"how do you feel your social science background will be to your advantage/disadvantage in medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think about the HMO system."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Are you aware we have very little funding? (from a student)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If your best friend were here with us, what would he/she say about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Asked if I had seen Million Dollar Baby and what I thought about the movie. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen it."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What issue do you think faces the future of medicine."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think are the most pressing ethical issues in medicine today?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you solve the traffic problem in LA?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Cross cultural comparisons of emergency medicine between developing and developed countries."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"So, what's the most difficult question you've been asked so far?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Discuss a current ethical question in healthcare today"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"nothing particularly stands out"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Where was your violin made? (my interview also played)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"None - all were fairly standard"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you see as today's biggest problem in US Healthcare?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could have a conversation with anyone, who would it be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"your patient is HIV positive. his partner doesn't know. what would you do? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is an ethical health issue you've been following lately in the news? Not too interesting but compared to the rest it was."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Nothing out of ordinary or particularly interesting"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Can you explain Calvinist theology to me? (asked because I attend a Calvinist college)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why do you think County would be a beneficial place for you to work while a medical student?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could have dinner with four people, living or dead, who would you pick? How do you think they would get along with each other?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How do you think your religious beliefs will affect your ability to practice medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you treat AIDS/HIV patients? [To me it just seems like it would make sense that you treat all patients the same.]"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Ethical issue about treating a patient with AIDs"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Wat superpower I would have, and what I look for in friends"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

""What was the most difficult interview question you were asked?"(Didn't ask for my response)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I was to have a dinner party at a nice restaurant. And I was allowed to invite any three women in the world. They could be dead or alive. Who would I invite?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do if two patients came in the ER, one looks homeless and the other looks wealthy and clean? Who would you treat first and why? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How did I plan on making money/providing for my family if I wanted to work in a "county facility"?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Where do you see the future of medicine in ten years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In a hypothetical situation with three different patients and only one ICU bed available, which patient would you choose for the bed and on what basis did you choose?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who has had the biggest influence in your life?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Very conversational."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"A faculty interviewer and I had an interesting talk about the american obesity epidemic, and how fast food compares to the tobacco industry."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"By what adjectives would your closest friends describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Have you ever hurt anyone?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Which of your parents do you emulate the most and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think makes a great doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would your friends say about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was a difficult time in your life, and how did you deal with it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How did you get to where you are today?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think leads to medical cynicism (when you enter med school it's about helping people, but by the time you graduate, most people are disillusioned to some extent, hard to see each patient as a unique human being, etc.) and how would you prevent this from happening to yourself?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why did you major in economics?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do if a patient refused treatment based on your gender?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Step into the shoes of your best friend and explain to me what is so great about you. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Would you feel confortable examining an AIDS patient?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do if a patient dying of cancer asked you to help end her life?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Are there alot of mosquitos in Vietnam? =P"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you had an AIDS patient who would not use any protection or tell his partners about his AIDS, what would you say to his partner that he brings into the clinic? (after i answered) Well arent you worried about lawsuits?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What did you think of your pre-med program?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Ethical Questions like, "What would you do if it was against a patient's religion to receive a blood transfusion?""More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The faculty interviewer asked me where I had interviewed so far, and when I named a few that I had interviewed at and been accepted to, he asked, "Then why would you want to come here?" He was being serious- actually discouraging me from coming to USC becaue he felt the other schools were better. Way to sell your school!"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What advice would you give to someone dealing with cancer for the first time? What is the one thing that they absolutely must know?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I was asked about some of the places I've traveled."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you say to the admissions committee to convince them to accept you over someone else who has the exact same background and qualifications as you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Nothing really. Both of my interviews were extremeley relaxed and conversational. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could be any element on the periodic table, what would it be and why."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"none was my student interviewer's first time interviewing someone."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could meet anyone from the past or present, who would it be and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"No interesting questions"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Are you a Giants Fan?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What book are you reading right now?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If there were 50 other applicants in this room, why should we choose you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's my motivation to go into medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In your small groups and labs you will be placed in a group of six for an entire year. How do you feel about this? What would you do if tensions developed?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what do I think it would be like to work at LA County Hospital (my faculty interview was after the tour)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

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University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.