The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

a 48 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1959 SPORTS i 4.4. White Sox Series Choice Chicago Sends Wynn After LA Dodgers Counter With Craig in Series Opener Today Continued From Page 1 tional League flag. Craig. 11-5, was idle in the playoff and fresh for the start of Series. Not so with the rest of the Dodgers, who had.

battled through 156 games finally! win the first of three, playoffs in which they have been involved to climax the greatest comeback in baseball history. For, as they jumped from seventh to first place, the final 48 hours the journey forced them to travel 3680. miles from Milwaukee to Los: Angeles to Chicago. They counted on that same momentum to carry them to over the fleet-footed Sox. And manager Walt Alston, reckoning, with their speed, banked on the muscular right arm of catcher John Roseboro toytake the go, go" out of the Sox.

"John's arm is as quick and accurate as any catcher I've ever managed and that includes Roy Campanella," Alston said of the husky backstop who took over Campy was paralyzed two years ago in an auto accident. Chicago, which hasn't seen the White Sox in the Series since the team "threw" the 1919 World Series in the "Black Sox" scandal, was awaiting the series start with controlled expectancy. The frenzy which attended the Sox pennant clinching had disappeared though Series tickets were selling for as much as $125 eachand only a handful of fans were on hand when the Dodgers touched down by plane at 5.24 a. m. Chicago time after their flight from Los Angeles, The Dodgers were sleepy-eyed but confident the heels of their comeback triumph over the Braves in Tuesday's second straight.

win and didn't even flinch from an afternoon workout at Comiskey Park. Share of Speed The White Sox worked out earlier and manager Al Lopez, admitting that the Dodgers had a younger pitching staff, said White Sox Still 6-5 NEW YORK (UPI) The Chicago White Sox still were favored at 6-5, in man to betting, Wednesday night to beat the Los Angeles Dodgers the World Series. A similar 6-5 price also favored the White Sox to win the opening game against the? Dodgers at Chicago today. The wagering was 7-5 against Chicago's winning the series in six games; and it was against Los Angeles taking the classic in six contests. It was 20-1 against Ins Angeles winning the series In 8 four -game sweep; and it a 16-1 against the White Sox taking a sweep.

NITE HARNESS RACING BUSSES DIRECT TO SUFFOLK DOWNS RACE TRACK VIA NEW TOLL ROAD Sept. 19 Thru Oct. 15 Track Admission Ticket Can PA Purchased for 230 with Each Round Trip Bus Ticket. leave at' 5:00 P.M. On Friday and Saturday Nights Only.

Interstate Bus Terminal Tel. RE 9-3826 Or RE 2-3173 Peter Pan Bus Lines HERE'S A GOOD LOOK at This is Comiskey Park, home games. It's one of the toughest down that he believed his veterans, could get the job done. After all;" he contended, "the American League. has become the pitchers' league.

The National League is the hitting league now." Lopez added that the Dodgers had their share of speed, too, pointing out that like Charley Neal, Jim Gilliam, John Roseboro and Wally Moon can run, too." Neither manager would name his pitcher for Friday's second game, after which the teams will have an off day while they travel for the third, fourth and, spectacle such as this. Even though it was to televised nationally by. NBC, they already were lining up at the gates where bleacher and standing room tickets go on sale at 9 a. m. (EDT) Thursday.

if necessary, a fifth game, If a sixth and. seventh games are necessary there would be another day off while they returned to Chicago. Lopez, however, hinted that he probably would go with big Bob Shaw because while he's! fidgety before he pitches, he's relaxed, steady and confident on the Meanwhile, mound." in Chicago police were preparing for the game as 10,000 out of town visitors started jamming the hotels where scalpers were asking $50 for grandstand seats and from $60 to $125 for box seats. The police were. on the lookout for pickpockets who wanted the visitors' money without a ticket return while the board of education clamped down on the small fry and said no baseball game was an excuse for absence.

They admitted there probably would be some. It has been 40 years since the White Sox Ians have had a chance to see their heroes in a Cards to Run Winter League ST. LOUIS (P- The Cardinals announced Wednesday they would have an eight Florida Winter Instructional League at St. Petersburg. The teams will be from St.

Louis, Cleveland, Kansas City, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee and San Francisco. Eddie Lyons will manage and John Grodzicki will be pitching coach. Play starts Oct. 15 and will run through Dec. 12.

Cardinal manager Solly Hemus and coaches Howie Pollet, Johnny Keane and Harry Walker are to work with the young players. what the batters will be shooting of the White Sox and scene parks for home run hitters each foul line and 415 feet to 352 FT. for this afternoon in Chicago. of the first two World Series 3 in the majors, being 352 feet dead center, Eligible Series Players CHICAGO UP Here is listing of the 25-man squads of the Chicago White Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers eligible for the World Series, which opens here today: WHITE SOX: pitchers dolfo Arias, Dick Donovan, Latman, Turk Lown, Ken McBride, Kay Moore, ply Bob Shaw, Gerry and Early Wynn; infielders--Luis Aparicio, Norm Cash, Sam Esposito, Nellie Fox, Billy Goodman, Ted Kluszewski, Bubba Phillips and Earl Torgeson; outfielders- -Jim Landis, Jim McAnany, Jim Rivera and Al Smith: catcher3-Earl Battey, Sherm Lollar, and John RoManager Lopez. Coaches- Ray Berres, John CHICAGO Lopez paid dearly Wednesday for being possibly the most, popular manager in baseball.

phone in Lopez' apartment never stopped ringing and incredible as it sounds, the White skipper answered every single call, 'Al hast the patience of Job," said his wife Connie, who has come here from their Tampa, home for the World Series. "I would estimate he has gotten 200 telephone calls in the last 48 many caTherin fact, that the hours. been sO poor operator had to stack them up one hehind the other." Guess what most of the callers wanted. "Tickets, tickets, tickets," ARE RINGING Mrs. turedly.

"The calls came good from every part of the country California, Louisiana, Ohio, Florida and goodness knows where else. 1 "Al tried his best to help everyone he possibly could. But he doesn't. own, the ball club, he only manages The ticket demands on Lot pez-with ducats bringing high as $125 each locallyhave been even heavier than they were 1954 when he led the Cleveland Indians to the American League "I think it was a easier for Al to help all his friends five years ago because the Cleveland ball park holds a lot more people than. Comiskey Park," his wife said.

Despite the avalanche Windy City Whistles World Series Tune Tickets Selling for as Chicago; Mayor CHICAGO (UPI) World Series tickets sold for as much as $125 apiece in the baseballhappy, city of: Chicago Wednesday. Schools Disagree Outside Comiskey Park, the south side home of the American League champion White Sox. the first fans were already in line to buy bleacher and standing room tickets which won't go on sale until ,9 a. m. EDT today.

In Loop, where hotels filled rapidly with better-heeled fans, Series tickets could be had -for a price. Brokers were asking $50 for grandstand seats and from $60 to $125 for box seats. Loyal: White Sox fan Mayor fingers and proclaimed "it's obRichard J. Daley, held up four vious the White Sox will win in 17 four. games.

We have speed, pitching, defense and a great manager." A few suburban schools said students could play hookey if they had Series tickets, but Chicago youngsters weren't so lucky. of education said no baseball game was an excuse for absence. The delighted frenzy with which Chicagoans hailed the White Sox pennant victory last Tuesday had died. Instead, there was an atmosphere of confident expectancy, for: the first south Cooney, Tony Cuccinello and Don Gutteridge. Trainer -Ed Froelich.

DODGERS: pitchers- Chuck Churn, Roger Craig, Don Drysdale, Johuny Klippstein, Sandy Koufax, Clem Labine, Danny McDevitt, Johnny Podres, Larry Sherry, and Stan Williams; infielders Junior Gilliam, Gil Hodges, Charlie Maury Wills and Don Zimmer; outfielders- Don Demeter, Chuck Essegian, Ron Fairly, Carl Furillo, Norm Larker, Wally Moon, Rip and" Duke der; catchers- Joe. Pignatano and John Roseboro. Manager -Walt Alston. Coaches Becker, Chuck Dressen, Greg Mulleavy and Peewee Reese. Wendler.

White Sox Have Speed to SpareBut Roseboro's Arm Seems Solid to Series TV and Radio NEW YORK -Radio and television broadcasts of the World Series will start at 1.15 (EDT) for games in Chicago and 4.45: p. m. (EDT) for games in Los geles, NBC officials and Commissioner Ford Frick's office said Wednesday. The radio "and TV broadcasts will gO on 15 minutes before the start of the games. The first games will be played in Chicago, Thurs day and Friday, Oct.

1 and 2. Saturday will he a travel day. The third and fourth, and fifth game, if necessary, will be played at Los Angeles, Sunday, Oct. 4. day, Oct.

5. and Tuesday, Oct. Wednesday. Oct: will be travel day. The sixth and seventh games, if necessary, will be played in Chicago, Thursday, Oct.

8, and Friday, Oct. 9. All games will be telecast in color, NBC said. The announcers will be: Chicago television, and Jack Vince Brickhouse Scully, of Los Angeles. Radio, Mel Allen of New York, and.

Byrum Saam of Philadelphia. SCHOOL SOCCER Mt. Everett 1, Webutuck 0 FALL MEET NOW thru Oct. 31 LINCOLN DOWNS 9 RACES POST 10 RACES Mon. thru Fri.

1:30 Saturday On Route 146, Lincoln, Rhode Island Listen to highlights of WORLD SERIES between Races quests, Lopez FOR PATIENT, relax somewhat at home. been watching television a great deal," Mrs. Lopez explained. "'He saw, the playoff game between the Dodgers and Braves on TV Tuesday and later we both watched a movie. We must have seen that movie at least six times before but we enjoyed it, anyway." Al and Lopez generally retire midnight but that hasn't 'stopped the phone from ringing.

"I wish Al would turn off the phone late at night, but so far he his wife laughed. "Some of these people on the West Coast seem to forget when it is midnight where they are it is three o'clock in PILOT morning Lopez doesn't too much about baseball while he's at home. plate, or doesn't anything go like over any Lopez said, "although he does talk about the ball club occasionally. I know he awful lot of faith in it." Did Mrs. Lopez have her ticket to the opener yet? "'Oh yes," she said, "I'll cer tainly be out there." And did she have a predio tion? "Well," she said, "I'm ing the Sox will beat the Dodgers four straight.

But it 3 may take five or Lopez isn't making any pre dictions himself. but a lady who should know claims he feels his club will win in "i in to of on a. the a FT. 415 Much as $125 Apiece in Predicts Sweep Park. LOS ANGELES CHICAGO Gilliam, 3b Aparicio Neal, 2b 2b, Fox Moon, If cf, Landis Snider, ct 1b, Kluszewski Hodges, 1b Lollar Larker, rf Sb, Goodman Roseboro, If, Smith Wills, rf.

Rivera Craig, Wynn Game time--1 p. m. (EST). -A' Probable Lineups CHICAGO (P- -Probable starting lineups for today's opening World Series game at Comiskey side: World. Series game since the Black Sox sold out in 1919.

In contrast to the 25,000 Chicagoans who welcomed the White Sox home last week, only curiosity seekers were standing around when the Los Angeles Dodgers landed at Midway Field at 5.24 a.m. EDT. Dodgers Get Rest The Dodgers off to the downtown Comrade Hilton Hotel for their first good rest of the week. Within less than 48 hours, they had travelled 3680 miles between Chicago and Los Angeles and back again. Hotel managers were busy making last minute preparations to house an expected 000 out of town fans.

Neil Moore, secretary of the Greater Chicago Hotel Association, said "room 3 will be tight" but there should be enough to go around. The police department was making preparations of its own control the crowds and to protect them against pickpockets and ticket scalpers. The first special police details were already on duty outside the White Sox ticket offices. Weather forecasters promised perfect football weather for the climax of the baseball season. The prediction was for a cloudy, cool day today, with temperatures in 60's.

No rain was in sight. White Sox List Four Outfielders CHICAGO. (P The Chicago White Sox have only four listed outfielders eligible for the World Series but manager Al Lopez will not get caught short. The listed outfielders are Jim Landis, Jim Rivera, Al Smith and Jim McAnany. However, Lopez can always call on third basem*n Bubba Phillips and Billy Goodman, and first basem*n Earl Torgeson and Norm Cash to help out in a pinch, Name Mathews A Player of Month CINCINNATI (P) Eddie Mathews, whose' hitting helped the Milwaukee Braves get into the National League, playoff, Wednesday was named winner of the loop's player-of-the-month award for September.

Mathews, the Braves third baseman, received votes from the sports writers and broadcasters who make up the selection committee. Roger Craig. pitcher for the pennant-winning Los Angeles Dodgers, finished second with votes. Dodger shortstop Maury Wills received four votes and one went to the Chicago Cubs' Ernie Banks. Mathews hit 11 home runs in the Braves' September drive.

He had 30 hits, in 95 times at bat. drove runs and finished as the league's home run champion. Craig won four games for the Dodgers during September when they also put on the stretch drive that overhauled San Francisco Giants. He allowed only five earned runs in 44 the 2-3 innings of work during month. Wills hit .373 for the Dodgers in September and Banks was a .340 hitter for the Cubs with runs batted in.

pretty good speed our: own league and nobody ran wild against us. Maybe no single team is fast over-all as the White Sox, but the Giants and Cardinals are far from lead foots." Alston plans to go into the first Series game with the same lineup that won the pennant clincher against the Milwaukee Braves Tuesday. "Snider tells me he's able to play," Alston said. being case, he'll be in center field and will bat fourth. Should Duke's knee act up again and make him unavailable, I'll play Carl Furillo instead.

In that case, I'll switch Moon to: center and play. Carl in right. SHERM'S SPECIAL HELPER- Sherm Lollar, White Sox fu. catcher, gets some help in assembling his gear from his son, Pete, eight years old, during workout Wednesday' morning. Lollar will be behind the plate when the World Series opens today in Chicago against the Los Angeles Dodgers.

PRE-SEASON SPECIALS for hunters TO UP ON DUCK OFF CLOTHING Insulated underwear, scopes, oil, patches, sox, wool shirts, wool hunting or insulated clothing in yellow or scarlet. Come in and browse you'll like. what you see. Credit terms ar. 'r' ranged.

Army HUNTING GOATS Or SALE drop pocket collar both List HUNTING. PANTS SHELL Knit or straight List VESTS army leg. 11 duck, oz. brown rub- 77 color- berized knees Brightly ed, suede seat. pocket, 24 clastic nol lined, shell loops.

breast. Army Duck Caps: REVERSIBLE List SALE 97 Flannel Lined. 3.10 only 1.01 43 Sturdy duct: 24 elastic game shell bag-anap opening List Sale for easy cleaning Winchester and Outer's 3 Western Rifles. Ammo. 22 magnum Cleaning Kits for Shotguns ammo.

on hand. Shotgun: Reg. 3.50 BASS Hunting Boots. Now All leather, rubber and leather Rifles insulated leather. Reg.

3.26 U. S. Rubber Kite Boots 3.50 Rifle Hunting Bright red, bright yellow, grass Now green. SLIDE ACTION 35 Cal. Lever Rifle 12 Ga.

SHOTGUN Reg. $80 Only $68 with choke. adjust. Only $66 1636 MAIN ST. RE 7-9158 BASSELL $:30 Dally P.M.

4. Sox A son, Lopez Confident and Also Cautious On Eve Of Opener: CHICAGO Manager Al Lopez is confident his. Chicago White Sox can Twin "the World Series. Cautious Statement But in a typically cautious statement, Lopez added: "It will take the best efforts of everyone." The amiable senor 'called on right-hander Early Wynn to hurl the opener against the Los Angeles Dodgers today and, apparently, what Wynn does will dictate Lopez' pitching plans for the rest of: the Series, Lopez would not name his second game pitcher and the guessing was between Bob Shaw, an 18-game "winner and Billy Pierce, veteran left-hander who fell to a 14-15 record. Lopez admitted Pierce fits in his pitching rotation and because the third game will.

be played in the Los Angeles Coliseum, a tough spot for lefthanders because of the A short screen, speculation was that Pierce will pitch Friday in Comiskey Park. That would leave Shaw as the starter in the third game at Los Angeles Sunday. Should Wynn be victorious. in the opener and either Shaw or Pierce come through with vanother victory, Lopez would then probably call on Dick Donovan, the erratic right-hander with 9-10 record. However, if the Sox should bet behind by the time the fourth game rolls around, Wynn definitely would get the call.

3 Except for the pitching, the Sox appear set wall the way around. Sherm Lollar, the sturdy catcher who had a bruised hand, participated in batting practice and said he's to start. Lopez said Ted Kluszewski will be atifirst base throughout the Series. The only possible platooning will be in right field and third base. Against right-handers, Jim Rivera will be.

in right field, and Billy Goodman at third base. Against left-handers, Jim McAnany will be in right field and Bubba Phillips at third base. However, Lopez said in games played at the Coliseum he might keep the right-handed swinging McAnany and Phillips in against any kind of pitching to take advantage of the screen. Lopez admitted he had never seen the Coliseum but said fit's probably something like Fenway Park, maybe a little exaggerated." Fenway, home of the Boston Red Sox, is famous for its short left field fence. Lopez isn't worried about his speed.

Asked if he thought the Sox could win even if their stealing game was halted, he said: "We've won series through the season without stealing and we could do it again. But stealing does Alston Says Catcher May Slow Down Go-Go Chicago Team CHICAGO UP Los Angeles manager Walter Alston go doesn't expect to slow the 4 Chicago White Sox down to a walk but neither does he believe the fleet-footed American League champions will run his Dodgers into the ground. Due Surprise The usually conservative Alston, who seems teach gaining confidence with Dodger victory; is convinced he has the personnel to cope with the White Sox' vaunted speed. In catcher John Roseboro, the Dodgers have just the man who can keep Luis Aparicio, Nellie Fox. Jim Landis and company honest, Alston believes.

"A lot of people don't realize that we have as good a throwing catcher as there is in baseball," he said. "Roseboro is as good right now Roy Campanella ever was as a thrower. I think the White Sox are going to be surprised if they think can take liberties with John's arm. not: in the least underestimating the White Sox' speed. Our scouts have warned us there is plenty of run in the Sox, and if we don't keep then glued to the bases it could be costly, But I think my man Roseboro is capable of handling the challenge." The scholarly Dodger managHer than made 24 hours these before observations the start less of the World Series between the Dodgers and White Sox, which opens today with Roger Craig opposing Early Wynn of the White Sox.

The scheduled midafternoon workout at Comiskey Park was called off because Alston felt some rest would do players more good. Instead, the team had a squad meeting in the hotel and went over the scouting report on the White Sox. The National League champions arrived by chartered flight at 4.30 a. m. (CDT) and needed the sleep and rest.

Alston was clear-eyed and appeared well-rested, however, as he held his press conference. "I'll concede that the White Sox are faster than we are," he said, "but, over-all, our team speed compares favorably with theirs. They're not going to have the big running advantage that everyone thinks. They steal bases but they also have a couple of slow runners. The Dodgers don't have anybody who can be called blocks on the Alston thinks, too, the White Sox speed boys won't be taking as many, liberties against the Dodger outfielders as many believe.

got some pretty good arms in Carl Furillo, Duke Snider and Don Demeter, he said. "Wally Moon has a stronger arm than people think. Only Norm Larker doesn't have a strong enough arm. "Don't forget we have some 4A 3.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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