The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 3 SPORTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1948 SPORTS Ruth Greatest When Chips Were On Line Bambino Tops All in Opening-Day Feats, Dating From Early Red Sox Days New I York, 23 -Babel Ruth, like the champion that he was, WAS at his greatest when the chips were down. When his steam WAS engaged in A. crucial game when packed house was in attendance, you could he certain the Babe would come through with some outstanding stunt. Greatest of All So it comes as no great surpriso that A check shows mighty Bambino was the greatest opening day hero of them all. The Arst occasion for the Rabe to turn in an opening day starring performance was at the opening game in Fenway Park in Boston.

on April 12, 1916. Ruth was a great pitcher then, and he southpawed the Boston Red Sox to a 2-1 triumph over Joe Bush of. the Philadelphia Athletics. The Babe limited Connie Mack's A's 10 four safeues, walked two and 10 win pennant and the world struck 'The Red Sox went on other championship. Ruth starred again on the mound in the opening day of the 1917 season when he checked the New York Yankees on three hits, the Red Sox winning 10-3.

Still with the Sox, but converted to outfield. Ruth helped his mates trounce the Yankees, 10-0, in the curtain raiser of April 23, 1919. with Carl Mays in the box. that day, Ruth poled the first of his 29 home runs he hit that season-a modern major league record up to that time. Two years later.

on opening day, April 13. 1. 1021, the Babe, then a momher of the Yankees, collected two donhies And three singles in Ave trips to the plate, helping defeat the A's 11-1. On the opening of Yankee Stadium April 18. 1923, before throng of 74,200, Ruth provided the big thrill of the day when he rifled one of Ha stands, Howard with Ehmke's two on base pitches in the into third the inning, to defeat the Red Sox 1-1.

The Bahe also stole the show on opening day--eight years later--at Yankee Stadium. With 62.000 fans looking on, the Sultan of Swat connected for a round tripper and a single and stole a base to help Charlie Ruffing register a 6-3 decision over the Red Sox. One year later, on April 12, 1932, the Babe again starred on the season's lid-lifter with the A's. On that occasion he combed Pitcher George Earnshaw for a pair of home rung and accounted for five Yankee tallies the New Yorkers mauled Mackmen 18-6. The Babe's valedictory as an inaugural was delivered as a member of the Boston Braves on April 16, 1035, at Boston.

In the Arst inning. Ruth drove home Bill Urbanski with A. gingle, and later crossed the plate himself. In the fifth, with Urbanski again on base, Babe smacked one of Carl's Hubbell's pitchem over the right Aeld fence. Thus he.

was responsible for all the Roston runs as the Braves trimmed the New York Giants, 4-2. in the season, Ruth quit the Braves, never to return as a player. Later. With the Genius of stealing the Ruth WAS the hero of the Arst thunder, All- Star game played at Comiskey Chicago, in 1033. Before A Park, capacity crowd of 19,200, the Bambino two-run homer in the cracked a.

third inning to provide the winning 1-2 runs in the American League's victory over the National. single later Ruth game, and brought crowd collected another in its the feet in the eighth inning when to his 38-year-old legs over the he a screaming line drive by moved turf to grab Chick. It Hafey was easily the best defensive with Frank Frisch on base. of the pitching duel game. (Tomorrow--Ruth's with Walter Johnson).

Novak Still Tops Quaboag Hitters Palmer, 24 The leading in the Quaboag Valley Baseball League continues to be Paul Novak of the Thorndike Indians, according to the latest records released by J. Jamrog of Bondsville, the statistician. Novak has accounted for 19 hingleg in 41 official trips to the plate for, a mark of .139. Ca: I B. Zobka the St.

Mary's A.A. of Bondsville is the premier twirler by of nine triumphs against, no reverses, 'The Unity Wildcats of Ludlow lead the league with 15 conquests against four sethacks. Records follow: LEADING HITTERS AR FT PC. Novak, St. Joseph's 6 19 139 Burne, YMPA 46 9 30 433 Flaherty, St.

Mary's .414 Obzrut, Wildcats 12 .103 Kology, St. Joseph's E. B. Siok. Frydryk, St.

YMPA Joseph's 18 Soucey, St. Mary's 14 Carpentler, Ware RECORD4 49 17 .317 PITCHING PC. Zobka, St. Mary's 1.000 Allen, Wildcats 1.000 Kareta, Wildcats .889 Stolarz, St. Mary's .667 Gondek, YMPA Stir Smola, YMI'A Palardy, Palmer .600 E.

Frydryk, YMPA .600 STANDINGS re. Ludlow Wildcats 780 St. Mary's, Bondaville .714 EMPA, Three Rivere 14 .836 Palmer 1.C. 10 .471 St. Joseph's, Thorudike 11 White Eagles, Ware 15 .28 Civic Club, West Warren 15 .167 GAMES THIS WEEK Wednesday Wednesday--Ware at.

Three Rivers, Chorndike at Weat Warren. Thursday l'almer. Amusem*nts AT HAMPTON PONDS SUNDOWN AUTO THEATRE Between Holyoke and Westfield! Continuous Every Eve. from Dusk! Individual Car Speakers! No EVERY MOON FREE! NIGHT OR RAIN! NOW PLAYING "THE BISHOP'S WIFE" with Monty James Gleason Shown at .9:30 Also "ROLLING HOME" Jew Parker Russell Hayden Shown at 8:05 Insists Athletics Will Remain in Race Miss Toast but A's Will Not Collapse, Veteran Manager Asserts Philadelphia, Aug, 24 (AP) -Connie Mack said. today his fourth -place Philadelphia Athletics "won't collapse" in the tight American League pennant race.

I'm positive of that." Better Things "In fact." added the 85-year-old dean of baseball managers, "I'm looking forward to better things, "We've come through more than two-thirds of the season in Ane style and I can't see where a losing streak means we're through." Sitting in his Shibe Park office, Mack shook a bony Anger and said flatly: "The Athletics concede, nothing to Cleveland, Boston York. "I realize we took three trouncings to the best or clubs. Why from the Yankees but that happens. Cleveland. Who would have thought Chicago could beat Lemon, Feller and Beardon successive games, I don't hear anyone shouting about Cleveland collapsing." Mack said he wasn't making excuses for his team but "we miss this fellow (Shortstop Eddie) Joost terribly.

We're not a hitting team and depend a great deal on tight defense. "With Joost out, it has been necessary to make a shortstop of Third Baseman Hank Majeski and a third baseman of Outfielder Don White. Both boys try hard but they're out of position and it has hurt us." The A's now entertain three second division clubs -Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis -while Boston and New York clash with Cleveland. But, "you can't underrate the lower clubs," Mack said.

Cleveland winds up the current A's home stand and Coach Al Simmons prophesied: "We'll finish what Roston and New York start-killing the Tribe's pennant hopes." "You know," said Mack, "We have been more successful on the road than at home and I'm hoping the last road trip will beneft us greatly. "I'm not predicting which club will win the pennant but the will be in there battling to the finish." Foundry Worker Clay Champion Vandalia, Aug. 24 (AP)-John A. Broughton, a 26-year-old foundry moulder from Ferguson, won the North American clay target championship today at the Grand American Trapshoot. The stocky quail hunter broke 200 targets in a row front 16 yards to win all alone over a field of 774 other marksmen.

Six shooters tied at :99 of 200 In the long marathon. Of 1 16 who broke the Arst 100, and 17 who cracked the second century, Broughton was the only one able to put A pair of perfect runs together. Broughton, cheered on by his wife Marcella, picked up close to $1000 1 in prize money in addition to the coveted trophy. Last year he won $3700 at the Roaring Grand by Anishing second in the two big handicap races. Amusem*nts PHILLIPS WEDNESDAT Through SATURDAY THE HAPPIEST IRVING BERLINS MUSICAL EVER EASTER PARADE MADE JUDY FRED 17.

IRVING GARLAND ASTAIRE BERM PETER AWN nos Technicolor Plus SELECTED SHORTS LATEST NEWS LIBERTY STRAND JEFFERSON WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ARTURO DeCORDOVA IN "NEW at THE ORLEANS" STRAMO PLUS TARZAN: THE ANO MERMAIDS JOHNNY WEISSMULLER BRENDA JOYCE and LINDA CHRISTIAN Joe Louis Beaten Indianapolis, Ang. 21. (AP) Jack Isler, Now York, ellminated boxer Joe Louis today In the first round of the United Golf lion amateur tournament at Coffin course. Louis, the tourney medalist, lost 1 ur on the 191h hole. The retiring heavyweight champ was four down at one time hut.

mada A fighting comeback to force the match into an extra hole. Mra. Russell Swett captured medal honors in the qualifying round of the annual women's championship at the Longmeadow Country Club yesterday with an 83. Match play starts today with finals in all divisions Saturday morning. Jirs.

Sweet's 83 with an eight handicap also was good enough to win net honors for her shetho first division. Mrs. Charles won putting with 25. Mrs. Irving Jacobs with Mrs.

Maynard E. Keiser with 105-26-79 won net line Class putting honors with 29. Mrs. Charles Martyn won net in Class with 121- 41-80. Mrs.

Donald Mudd was putting winner with 31. Mrs. Albert Rock won net in Class C-2 with 52- 13-39. Dirs. tWilfred Jacques won putting with 17.

dinner completed the- day's activities, Mrs. Swett Wins Longmeadow Medal Pick Stars for Benefit Game Woronoco, Aug. 21-A squad of talented baseball players from Strathmore. Huntington, Rocknes and Southwick is being regimented to take Jr. benefit scheduled at Westpart in the coming, Ray Fitzgerald, field's Municipal Field on Thursday, Sept.

2. This worthwhile attraction, to be played under floodlights, will find the cream of Westfield's three entries in the River Valley circuit -Club 25, Red Rocks and Knights. of Columbus -opposing the up-country envoys. President John T. Maher of the upriver league has been instrumental in obtaining floodlight equipment.

Fitzgerald. former Westfield High athlete of note and now a student at Notre Dame College, suffered a broken ankle five weeks ago in a practice game. Among those who will represent the or teams are Chick Arnold of Southwick's, the league's only left. hand shortstop and Johnny Solek, heavy hitting Southwick outfielder. Henry.

Bartnecki and Tarry Davidson are among the Papermakers expected to take part. Fund Committee Session Slated A committeemen meeting for the raising of funds to send the Squeezebox baseball team, Western Massachusetts junior champions, to Dayton, at the end of this month will be held tonight at the Charles C. Kennedy American Legion Post rooms in Chicopee Falls at 8 o'clock. Members of the team will be present with the manager turning over his players list of who will make the trip to Dayton. Eli Cohen, secretary and Stanley Sittarz, treasurer will give a report on the funds taken in to date.

The Chicopee Kiwanis and Charles C. Kennedy Post are the top contributors. Tuese organizations donated $50 to the find which has gone past the $1000 mark. EWELT, WITHDRAWS Richmond, Aug. 24 Ewell, of Richmond, A who paced sectional qualifying here for the National Amateur Golf, Championship at Memphis, next week, nounced Ewell today notified he wll Fred not J.

competicka secretary of the Virginia State Golf Association. that he had decided to pass his position in the National Amateur for business reasons and in order to compete in the Richmond City championship tournament opening tomorrow. 0 HE'S CONFIDENT--Others may be worrying about the Athletics but Connie Mack, their venerable manager isn't. Mack insists his team will not collapse but will remain in the thick of the pennant Pairings Made For Golf Event Russell, Aug. 24-Divisional, pairings for the championship of Whippernon Country Club have been announced with a large list of 72 players seeking top honors here at the sporty nine hole course.

There is no defending champion due to the fact that championship play was inactive last year. Three former champions, however, will try to further their accomplishments, Howard Sullivan of Blandford Road, Ernie McKee of West Springfield and Jimmy Adams Woronoco. Club officials have requested that all first round games posted on or before this coming Sunday, August 29. First Division pairings: Howard Sullivan vs A. Fredette; Gruhert vs Cliff Patino: W.

Helliwell v3 Casmir Lazarz; N. Hall vs John Fitzgerald; W. Cote VS James Adams; J. Jegelwicz vs Fred Melcalf, C. Harrington vs WV.

Robinson and D. Mahoney VS Ernie McKee. Second Division pairings: George Gareau. VS W. Raldo; K.

Garon V5 Donald Shattuck; C. Gerhardt vs Walter Wingate, C. Horney VS W. Runnell; Walter Burs vs R. Johnson; H.

Johnson vs Stanley Miller; Henry Bartnecki VS R. Curtin and Andy Tierney vs Harold Steins. Third Division pairings: F. O'Connell VS Herman Boyden; E. Sumner VS Gug Sell; Bill Sullivan VS O.

Jegelwicz; D. Harrington VS J. Zombeck; Ted Laramy O'Connor; B. Warner vs D. Knightly; G.

Knightly Vs H. Rissell and J- Lynch vs Byron Britton. Dusty A Softball The Perking team went two games up on the field in its bid for the Triple Industrial A Softball League championship by defeating Wico in an extra contest At West Street last night, 9-7. A five-run rally, featured by Cagan's tworun homer, gave Perkins the game in the eighth inning. It was I'erkins' 14th victory in 15 games, Score by innings: Perking ..........003 000 15-9 14 2 Wico 210 010 03-7 8 2 Durant and Cagan; Wilbur and Sie.



-Betty Grable Doug. Fairbanks, Jr. in "THAT LADY IN ERMINE" -Technicolor Plus. OF WILDFIRE" Cleveland, Aug. 24 (AP)-The Cleveland News estimated today the Indians will pay $25,000 this year to Satchel Paige.

In all, the newspaper sald, he cost the Tribe $55,000. Quoting a "source close to the Cleveland Club," the News said: Palge was paid $10,000 to sign and gets $5,000 a month, With three months works this season that would come- to $25,000. In addition, the paper went on, the Tribe paid the Kansas City Monarchs $15,000 for Paige's contract. Another $15,000 went to Ahe Saperstein of Chicago, eral manager of the Negro National League, who for years handled Palge's bookings, the News said. He's Worth It Boston, Aug.

24 (AP) Eddie Stanky, Braves second baseman who has been out of action since July 8 because of a fractured ankle, took a 20-minute workout today at Braves Field and said: "It doesn't feel bad." The peppery Infielder played catch for about seven minutes and then batted the ball around with a few youngsters. "I figure on working out every day," Stanky said, "just as if I was starting a out spring practice. Next week if all goes well. I will. make it two workouts a day." He will be eligible to play again on Sept.

9. Ed Stanky Has Short Workout Rambler A. A. football team will hold its first practice of the season nt Emily Bill at 7. Coach Nick Cosmos requests the following players ailu other candidates interested 'on hand: Marchetti, Corjay, Foszer, Semanie, Ruggirio, Collins, Peperis, Maynard.

Allisi, Berce, Chiprani, LeClair, Aveyard. Kalesnik, Douboul, Moses, Karam and Manager Soco Rambler Gridmen To Drill Tonight Bell Predicts Close Race in Oncoming Campaign. Philadelphia, Aug. 24 (AT) -Commissioner Bert Bell, just returned from a tour around his National Football League domain, predicted today, 1 the 1948 race will be 80 tight there may be three-way ties in each division. Evenly Matched Teams "It's amazing," Bell observed.

"Never in my life did I 'see such evenly matched teams. I don't know how they'll ever cut their aquads to the required 35 players." The NFI, commissioner had A. word in favor of every team in the league, but singled out the Boston Yanks and Detroit Lions for special mention. Both the Yanks and Lions have been beaten pretty decisively for the past several seasons, but "they won't, be anybody's pushover in '48," Bell asserted. Clipper Smith of the Yanks has passing triumvirate of Boley Danciewicz, Roy Zimmerman and Jim Youel and has picked up excellent linemen during the offseason.

Bell 'said the Yanks scored nine touchdowns in an intrasquad game the other day. Bo McMillin, in his first year at the Lions' helm, has a man Bell hints may be the rookie of the year. The freshman star is unheralded Fred Enke of Arizona, a 6-foot-1 back field threat who to date has passed for five of Detroit's six intrasquad game touchlowns and scored the other running. "Teaming with Bill Dudley that Enke may give the Lions the passing combination of the year," Hell said. Bell considers the New York Giants and Philadephia Eagles the best balanced squads in the Eastern Division.

sippi, now quarterbacking for Rookie Charley Conerly of ants, "looks more like Sammy Baugh than anybody I've ever seen," Roll opined. EXPECT 67,135 FANS Dallas, Aug. 24 (AI) -Texas State Fair officials expect to put a capacity crowd of 67,436 persons in the Cotton Bowl for the Texas- Oklahoma grid classic on Oct. 9, opening date of the fair. In National Grid Loop Commissioner Singles Out Boston Yanks and Detroit Softball Tourney Resumes Sunday Play in the Western Massachusetts softball tournament, which is being staged at West will be resumed Sunday with six contests.

This means that three of the teams will be inated under the double defeat system. The schedule: DIAMOND NO. 1 1.30-Wagner's Spa, West Springfeld vs. Marquis (Springfield). 3.00-Collin'& Tavern, West Springfield vs.

Springfield Police. 4.30-Eddie's Cafe VA, winner of 1.30 game, DIAMOND A0. 2 1.30-Philip Holynke VA. Cheshire Inn, Cheshire. 3.00-Harvey-Whipple Co, VA.

Millers Falls Greenfield. 4.30-Loser of 1.30 game. Diamond 1, VA. loser of 1.30 game, Diamond 2. NE FRONT RUNNER -Fred Enke, is now a prized halfback of the professional Detroit Lions.

The Arizona ace was the nation's leading ground gainer in collegiate circles last fall, passing and running to 1941 yards. More Seats for Barrington Fair Catjasikis. 4 scaled from $40 ringside to $5. as Red Wells and Dave Quinlan. ENDS TONITE RAY MILLAND ANN TODD" "SO EVIL MY LOVE" TOWN SCANDAL" Doors Open 10:45 STARTS TODAY PARAMOUNT AIR CONDITIONED ALWAYS COMFORTABLY COOL Here Come, 'Pecos Bill' 'Little Toot' 'Johnny Appleseed' and a host of wonderful NEW Disney 7 Song Hits Stars -11 Musical sings "Blue Stars FOR YOUR the tale Shadows" "PECOS and narrates TIME sings and ALL- THE dramatizes "JOHNNY DAY sing GOOD TIME comical story of "LITTLE SISTERS in love Walt plays and the Orchestra Jive "BUMBLE "WINTERTIME" high- voltage "BLAME SMITH Disney's musical master FRED of ceremonies sings ON "Melody THE Greatest Star SONS of his PENNSYLVANIANS and Song Show LUANA PATTEN the and DRISCOLL COLOR all wrapped Melody, Songs A brand Joy, New bundle and of TECHNICOLOR! for your up in glorious Beauty heart's delight! color RRO RADIO PICTURE OW, D.

P. TEEMING WITH EXCITEMENT Plus 2nd Lynne Roberts Feature "SECRET SERVICE INVESTIGATOR" Lloyd Bridges Great Barrington, Aug. 24 An additional 1000 seats have been added to the grandstand area the the grounds here for opening of the six day race meet which starts Monday. The new seats will he of wood and steel frame construction and will be installed just north of the present main grandstand. field area pie provide added spectator The complete revamping of the inspace and installation of more seats in the main grandstand section will be welcome news for the many race fans who annually turn out for races here at the half-mile track nestled the Berkshire Hills.

TICKETS ON SALE New York, Aug. 24 -Public sale of tickets for the Tony ZaleMarcel Cerdan middleweight title fight in Jersey City, N. on Sept. 21 opens tomorrow. The tickets are 1 Shuebruk Leads Midget Rivals Dick Shuebruk of Boston leads the Bay State Midget Auto Racing point standings, according to figures released today.

It marked the second time this month that he forged his way to the leadership, ousting Johnny 'Thomson of Lowell. The latter was first-place man on two different occasions this month in the see-saw battle to determine the circuit championship. Standings: Dick Shuebruk 1560 Johnny Thomson 1645 Johnny Bernardi 1441 Bill Randall 1103 Joe Sostilio 1395 Bell, Bailey In T-ville Go Thompsonville, Aug. 24-Seeking his sixth straight victory and improving with every fight, lightweight Bob Bell, Rockville collegian, battles Jim Bailey of Hartford in an undercard match on the weekly Thursday night Thompsonville Arena semipro boxing card this week, it WAS announced by Matchmaker Vito Tallarita, today. Bell getting a short but productive ring career in Bailey beHartford lad has had more experience, having fought such boys Amusem*nts STARTS FRIDAY MORNING AT 9.40 DOORS OPEN 9:30.

THE FLAMING FURY ALL AMERICA'S MOST OF DANGEROUS DAYS! Walter Wanger Presents TAP ROOTS COLOR BY Technicolor; Starring VAN HEFLIN SUSAN HAYWARD with BORIS KARLOFF JULIE LONDON WARD BOND RICHARD and Introducing WHITFIELD CONNOR lass hones Every thrilling moment from James Street! great novel! Directed by GEORGE MARSHALL Screenplay by Alan LeMay Additional Dialogue by Lionel Wiggam Produced by Walter Wanger Pictures, Inc A GEORGE MARSHALL Production A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL RELEASE plus SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS. BIJOU 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.