The Law Amendment would force out this Georgia church, among others (2024)

Struggling against the powers that be in the Southern Baptist Convention is nothing new to Dunwoody Baptist Church in North Atlanta.

In 1989 and 1990 when he ran as the last “moderate” candidate in the SBC presidential race, Daniel Vestal was pastor at Dunwoody. Vestal, who later became executive coordinator of the breakaway Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, was defeated in 1989 by Florida pastor Jerry Vines and in 1990 by Texas pastor Morris Chapman. Both those successful candidates were supported by the “conservative resurgence” that was sweeping the SBC rightward.

The Law Amendment would force out this Georgia church, among others (1)

Daniel Vestal (right) congratulating Morris Chapman, who defeated him in the race for SBC president in 1990. (Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives)

Until 2018, Dunwoody was dually aligned with the SBC and CBF — a common situation for churches with diverse congregations. But now the church is singly aligned with the SBC. (In 2018, CBF adopted its Illumination Project report that made space, in certain circ*mstances, for the inclusion of LGBTQ Christians.)

And now, the North Atlanta church faces another crossroads. This week’s second vote on a proposed SBC constitutional amendment, called the Law Amendment, would put Dunwoody at odds with the SBC once again. The church employs a female children’s pastor.

If the Law Amendment passes on second reading, Dunwoody likely would be reported to the SBC Credentials Committee and expelled from the denomination.

The church’s current pastor, Allen Jackson, was youth minister at the church when Vestal was pastor. The former professor at the SBC’s New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary went on to serve Dunwoody twice as interim pastor before eventually becoming the full-time pastor.

Dunwoody is a northern suburb of Atlanta located just above what locals call The Perimeter. It is an affluent area that grew up from the roots of a small town engulfed by Metro Atlanta.

“We were founded right after the Civil War as the First Baptist Church of Dunwoody,” Jackson explained. “The church disbanded in the early ’60s and reformed as Dunwoody Baptist Church. it would be fair to say we’ve always been a church that was a little contrarian.

“Even in 1964, the founding pastor told the congregation he wouldn’t come unless they allowed membership to African Americans.”

Because of having a female on staff with the title “pastor,” Dunwoody was among 170 churches targeted by Virginia pastor Mike Law, author of the proposed amendment, when he published detailed information — including photos and maps — of those he considered to be offending female pastors.

Jackson said he understands people are “passionate about the way they interpret certain passages of Scripture,” but those differences shouldn’t exclude a church like Dunwoody.

“To determine what Scripture is contextual, particularly in Paul’s writings, is a challenge for people who study the Scriptures,” the former professor said. “People with a whole lot of integrity have landed on both sides of this issue as they have with many issues, especially in Baptist world. “

Jackson calls himself a “soft complementarian.” He tends to believe the root of this issue is political more than theological.

“The roots roughly parallel our times politically,” he said. “We have a lot of fear in our culture. And in this issue, there is a fear that a militant feminism has influenced the life of the church. The basis of that is what some would call the explosion of women as pastors.”

In Dunwoody’s history, there have been two women with the title of pastor, both having served as children’s pastors. Both have spoken to the congregation in Sunday morning worship.

Jackson says his church is unified on supporting these women and doesn’t plan on changing its position. He was planning on retiring but has decided to stay until the end of 2025 to help guide the church through whatever comes next.

“As our search team began to talk to pastors, they needed clarity about what they would be getting into, in knowing if we were going to even be a Southern Baptist church,” he explained. “It was important for them to be able to provide that answer to potential candidates. So, as this amendment began getting traction, I decided to stay until the Law Amendment was figured out.”

That decision will come this week. And win or lose, Jackson grieves the state of the denomination he has called home.

“I’ve reached out to several of my friends. They’re a little bit in shock as to how it came to this. I have a lot of respect for people who feel like they’re guarding the integrity of the Bible. I just don’t happen to agree with the interpretation that they’ve arrived at,” he said. “I grieve over this because I wish this was an issue we could talk about rather than to divide a great convention. I don’t think we want to be known as the convention that looks for churches to exclude, but that’s sort of what has become of the denomination.”

Disclaimer: BNG Executive Director Mark Wingfield was a member of Dunwoody Baptist Church from 1988 to 1991, a time period central to this article.

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The Law Amendment would force out this Georgia church, among others (2024)


What was the law amendment SBC? ›

The amendment would have added a qualification to the SBC Constitution that churches in friendly cooperation affirm, appoint or employ “only men as any kind of pastor or elder as qualified by Scripture.” Changes to the SBC Constitution require a two-thirds vote by messengers at two consecutive annual meetings.

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Each person has the natural and inalienable right to worship God, each according to the dictates of that person's own conscience; and no human authority should, in any case, control or interfere with such right of conscience.

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The reason for ousting them was that they don't have a faith and practice consistent with the Baptist Faith and Message, the document approved in 2000 that includes the affirmation that the pastoral position is reserved for men.

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Amendment Twenty-seven to the Constitution was ratified on May 7, 1992. It forbids any changes to the salary of Congress members from taking effect until the next election concludes.

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The First Amendment has two provisions concerning religion: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. Learn more about these clauses in First Amendment and religion.

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Religious Demography

According to a 2021 Georgian National Statistics Service estimate, the population is 3.7 million. According to the 2014 census, GOC members constitute 83.4 percent of the population, followed by Muslims at 10.7 percent and members of the Armenian Apostolic Church at 2.9 percent.

Did Georgia allow religious freedom? ›

From its founding in 1732 throughout the eighteenth century, Georgia was a place of both religious tolerance and religious pluralism. Georgia's Royal Charter provided for liberty of conscience for all, and for the free exercise of religion by all except Roman Catholics.

Can a woman be a pastor in a southern baptist church? ›

Since 2000, the SBC's nonbinding statement of faith has declared that only men are qualified for the role of pastor. It's interpreted differently across the denomination, with some believing it doesn't apply to associate pastors so long as the senior pastor is male.

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The Fourteenth Amendment, by its terms, limits discrimination only by governmental entities, not by private parties. As the Court has noted, the action inhibited by the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment is only such action as may fairly be said to be that of the States.

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The official text is written as such: “In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.”

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Amendment 27

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

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