Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1946 17 Are Weakened as They Face Western Trip Both Reese and Reiser Will Be Out of Action in Important Tests Against Cards and Cubs The Journeys A of the league-leading By The Associated Press Brooklyn Dodgers the western sections of the National League this season. The outlook ME for Leo Duhaven't met with much success to far rocher's Bums is even darker today As the Brookg head for A third invasion of West which opens at Chicago tomorrow. Boasting five-game lead over the WAC Captain Has Game to Bother Favored Babe DENVER. July 10 (AP) Pat Grant, a plump woman's Army Corps captain from Oklahoma's wide-open spaces, and the Rocky Mountain parbuster, Babe Zaharias of Denver, looked today like the gals who could meet Saturday for the trans-Mississippi golf championship. Captain Grant, who nails from Cushing, Okla.

and Fort Lewis, sailed across the Denver Country Club's front nine in the first round of match play yesterday in 32 strokes, two better than the record held for 10 years by Patty Berg of Minneapolis. This sizzling performance, which wilted Mary Lou Baker of Salt Lake City, 9 and 8, made the en galleryites who had established Mrs. Zaharias as 8. runaway favorite really and take notice. The Babe, who established an 18- hole course record of 68 during the warmup rounds, didn't have Captain Grant's spectacular shots but flashed usual power off the tees as she ousted Mrs.

Robera Monstead of New Orleans, 5 and 4. That amazing infant, 12-years-old Marlene Bauer of Long Beach, who shot qualifying score of 79, proved she was no flash in the pan the girls as she whipped E. N. Hyman of Denver, former Colorado women's champion, 2 and 1. The cool, calculating youngster, favorite of the caddy crops, matches her long, free-swinging shots today against Marilyn Smith of Wichita, the Kansas champ.

Miss Smith ousted Allene Nelson Des Moines, 5 Hell Drivers in Last Stop Here The Jack Kochman Hell Driversprime favorites of the thrill-seeking public, make their final New England appearance of the 1946 season at the West Springfield Speedway on Sunday afternoon and evening. The famous aggregation of motor maniacs as -which associated with includes the most late of Lucky the Teeter stars -played before a turnaway crowd of 9000 persons at the popular midget racing oval two months ago and returns to West Springfield after a oneday stand at Paterson, N. that attracted 22,000 paying customers. Featured in the Hell Drivers' program is the sensational leap over bus or 60-foot truck-trailer. In attempting this death defying leap a Hell driver--any qualified Kochman daredevils circles the track in a stock sedan at top speed, roars up over a 15-foot rampway, especially erected in front of the grandstand, soars into space until the car has reached an altitude of more than 30 feet, and then comes crashing into seven parked cars, placed purposely In his path.

Another, feature of Sunday's 28- event program, which lasts a full two hours, Is the never-to-be-forgotten crash "roll over" in which a stock sedan does a complete somersault in the air and then rolls side over side in front of the grandstand and in full view of the spectators. The 30-foot dash through a "Tunnel of Fire" and the hair-raising "battering ram" are also listed. In bringing his show to West Springfield Kochman will unveil more than $100,000 worth of 1 equipment which includes ten new 1946 Dodge sedans, four huge trailer trucks and motorcycles together with other mechanized thrill equipment. Dahlbender Has Two-Stroke Lead BIRMINGHAM, July 10 (AP) -Gene Dahlbender, Atlanta amateur, led the field today as the 36-hole qualifying play in the Southern Amateur golf tournament went into the final round. The 24-years-old stocky blond, the par on the Birmingham Country only one of 173 contestants to, break Club's tricky 6561-yard West course in yesterday's initial 18 holes, had a oneunder par 70 for a two-stroke marsin.

Dahlbender, who was medalist in the 1940 events and then failed to place in the championship flight of 32t the next year, last one in which the tournament was held, WaS pressed by Capt. Cary Middlecoff of Memphis, and Dick Hackett of Rome, who posted 72s. Sacred Hearts Cop 10-8 The Sacred Hearts hung up their 14th victory of the season by defeating St. Michael's of East Longmeadow, 10-8, at East Longmeadow last night. Picks Up Game in Race to Top By The Associated Press The Albany Senators, taking advantage of an open date for the first place Scranton Miners, had picked up full game today in their fight to gain the Eastern League lead by admnstering a double trouncing to the Binghamton Triplets.

The Senators edged Lefty Gomez' men, 2 to 1, in a tight opening game last night, then went on to slug out six run in the first inning of the nightcap and 9 to 4. The second place Senators now are nine and one -half games off the pace. No other Eastern League games were scheduled night, but several teams played exhibition contests with major league clubs, idled by the big league All-Star contest. The double victory gave Albany six game in a row, five of them over the Triplets, and seven wins out of eight games in the home stand. Bob Revels of Binghamton gave only four hits in the opener, but the Senators bunched three of them for their two runs in the sixth inning.

Orrie Arntzen, Albany hurler, allowed 10 blows and was in trouble from start to finish, but aside on from a single tally, kept the Trplets from the platter. In exhbition game, the Detroit TIgers of the American League edged the Williamsport Grays, 4 to the St. Louis Browns of the American League defeated the Elmira Pioneers, 8 to 3, and the Chicago White Sox, also of the junior major circuit, walloped the Utica, Blue Sox, 10 to 4. The Cleveland Indians will play an exhibition game tonight against the Wilkes-Barre Barons. Motorcycle Event At Albano Farm The Pioneer Valley Motorcycle Club of Springfield will sponsor its second motorcycle race meet sanctioned by American Motorcycle Association Sunday on the Farm just over the Thompsonville line, according to Colman Mitchell, president of the club.

At the weekly meeting of the club members tonight the various committies will be selected. The club has secured the assistance of Fritzie Baer to assist in running the races and also to announce them. Bob Finn who is obtaining the riders has from All Quattrochi of Providence who was runner up for honors in the 100-mile national championship race held in Laconia last month. Quattrochi is rated as one of the outstanding T. T.

men in the East. Sal Scirpo the winner of the 25-mile New England novice championship, who hails from Hartford, will also compete. The club will change the T. course slightly from the last meet. which will make it much faster and also eliminate the possibilities of the riders getting sand in their motors which they draw through their carburaters while going through the deep sand hazard.

Nine events are listed on the program which will get under way at 2.30. Lou-Bre Sets New Record in Win INGLEWOOD, July 10 (AP)Interest in the $100,000 Gold Cup July 27 mounted today with the record mile run by Lou-Bre in yesterday's Summertime and the announcement that Historian, ITerbert M. Woolfe's stakes campaigner, will be flown from Chicago for the event. Lou-Bre beat a field of seven other Gold Cup eligibles yesterday in nosing out Challenging in 1:35 3-5, onefifth better than the mark set earlier in the meeting by Occupy. Lou-Bre, owned by Charles S.

Howard, soundly whipped the rest, including Stitch Again, Texas Sandman, Autocrat, Early Bird, Staters and War Spun, Historian, a five-year-old, has been weighted at 117 pounds on the basis of victories the La Salle and Lincoln Handicaps and A fifth in the Stars and Stripes July 4. Eight juvenile fillies were entered in the $25,000 six-furlong Lassie stakes today with Luke and Sneed's Hemet Squaw solidly favored to repeat a previous victory in the debutante, Others named were the R. C. Ellsworth entry of Time and Hubble Bubble: Sea Song, Dark Fire, Baby Shower, Front fa*ge and Cold Roll. Snead and Little Return to U.S.

NEW YORK, July 10 (AP) Snead, Hot Springs, Arst American golfer to win the British Open Tournament in 13 years and Lawson Little. who finished 10th, returned England on a Pan American World Airways clipper which reached La Guardia field early today. Snead said the competition was "stiff." He added he hoped to go hack later and equal or better the record of another American golfer, Walter Hagen, who won the open in 1922, 1924. 1928 and 1929. Airline officials said passengers on the plane with Snead and Little had a "fine time" and "learned some golf" -with the two golfers giving putting demonstrations in the aisle.

Snead presented the stewardess, Vivian Backus of New York, with an autographed golf ball, which several passengers tried unsuccessfully to buy from her. The golfers were met at the airport by Fred Corcoran, Tournament Manager for the I'rofessional Golfers ciation. Snead said he planned to reto Hot Springs. Notice to Cigar Smokers! Ceiling prices on our cigars, established by the O.P.A., are being maintained. There is no advance in prices of 7-20-4 and DEXTER Cigars.


CIGAR 4 Lennehan Wins Feature Mat Match 4 4 St. Inuig Cardinals, the Brooks, who have won only nine of 20 games in Pittsburgh, Chicago a and Louis, their previous trips to Cincinnati, will have a tougher task this time their brilliant shortstop, Pee Wee Reese, remains out of action. Future Is Uncertain Reese, who suffered. a chippeed vertebra in his neck in Boston Sunday, may be sidelined anywhere from three days to the balance of the season. Also, the uncertain physical status of Pete Reiser, one of the Dodgers' star outfielders who is troubled with a shoulder separation, may cause Manager Durocher many a headache before his club returns to Ebbets Field on July 23.

On their home grounds, the Dodgers have copped 29 out of 38 contests while on the road they have managed to take only 19 out of 36. Against the third place Cubs, Brooklyn has triumphed six times in 11 engagements but has 'managed to win only two out of six games at Wrigley Field. In competition with the Cards, the Dodgers have gained three victories in eight meetings but only one win was registered at Sportsman's Park. Brooklyn's best road mark is over Ben Chapman's Philadelphia Phillies. At Shibe Park, Durocher's gang is undefeated, having taken five straight contests from the Phils.

Following their three-game series with the Cubs, the Brooks move to St. Louis. The Cards, winners of their last five games. open with the New York Giants under the arcs tomorrow while the Cincinnati Reds play host, also under the lights, to the Boston Braves and the P'hillies clash with the Pirates in Pittsburgh. Sox In Home Stand In the American League.

the Boston Red Sox, who lead the New York Yankees by seven-and-one-half games, will begin an 11-day. stay at Fenway Park, where they, have captured 31 contests, tied one and lost six. Steve O'Neill's Detroit Tigers will be the first club to invade Boston. The Bengals have not beaten the Sox in six tussles in the Hub City. The Cleveland Indians will be the first Western club to pass through New York, tangling with the challenging Yankees in a night game, while the Chicago White Sox battle the Senators after dark in Washington and the St.

Louis Browns scuffle with the Athletics in Philadelphia as the major league races enter the second half of a stirring campaign. Continuing undefcated cn the Pynchon Park mat, George Lennehan, Boston, copped his fourth straight victory last night, pinning Maurice La Chappelle of Montreal In the teature wrestling hout before 750 spectators. The former Beantown gridder won the Arst fall with a body press at 14.39 but the Canadian evened the match at 3.51, using rope rebound. Lennchan won the deciding fall at 9.02 with a body press. Stan Sykowski, the South Hadley strong boy defeated Rain ville, West Springfield, two falls in the fast time of 1.01 but Sykowski won the next two falls at 7.41 and 10.30 with body presses to gain the verdict.

Rowdy Dusek, Omaha, pinned Jack Smith of Boston with A body lift and slam at 15.41 and Harry Finklestein of Boston beat Fritz Xiegfried, New York at 13.21 of the opener with a body press. CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE Ferrara May Be Tough for Larover Nunzio Ferrara of Milwaukee, who has waged sensational fights with George Larover, Charley Fusari, Danny Kapllow and Pedro Firpo since coming East to campaign under capable Chris Dundee, meets Larover in a 10-round return bout that tops Monday night's boxing card at the West Side dog track. Larover is attraction here after his knockout over Tommy Jessup three weeks back and his apas Ferrara should suchure Springfield pearance against tough foe Sports, of another sellout at the hie fight club. When he left the ring after belting out Jessup, the sharp-punching Philadelphian received biggest ovation ever accorded this fighter to show we in the dog track ring. Big things are in store for the winner of the Ferrara-Larover contest.

Tommy Jessup, out of: action with a cracked rib, wants to meet the winner and such a match probably would be a sure sellout and provide the principals with a big pay day. Bob Montgomery, who had to pull out of a scheduled match with Larover at New Haven three months ago is still signed to clash with Georgie but the latest fistic favorite could lose the shot if he's defeated by Ferrara. The substitute for Montgomery against Larover when he had to withdraw from New Haven match was none other than Ferrara. The Milwaukee lad accepted the clash on one day's notice but held Larover to a draw. Fresh from an impressive win over Pedro Firpo last week, Nunzio is confident he can turn back Larover in the second meeting.

BASEBALL Yesterday's Results, No games scheduled Standings AMERICAN, LEAGUE Pc GR Boston 54 23 .301. New York 47 31 .603 114 Detroit 42 32 ..568 Washington 37 36 .507 15 Cleveland 35 42 .453 .19 St. Louis 34 41 .453 19 Chicago 29 41 .397 23 Philadelphia 22 51 30 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pr GB Brooklyn 48 26 .649 St. Louis 43 31 .581 Chicago 89 33 .542 ('Incinnati 34 36 .486 12 Roston 31 40 .459 14 New York 83 41 .416 15 Philadelphia 80 39 .43.5 Pittsburgh 29 44 .397 Games Today AMERICAN LEAGUE Open date NATIONAL LEAGUE Open ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements AGAWAM TREE SERVICE Trimming spraying tree removal. Free est.

7-5214 ALL WINDOWS cleaned, palat washed. Mohawk Window Cleaners, 3-1028 or 4-3796. ANNOUNCING Antique metal repair service. All kind. of.

metal articles repaired, cleaned and polished. Call 6-0669. ATLAS WINDOW CLEANING CO. We are equipped to wash any window anywhere. Call us for reasonable rates and satisfactory service.

Our men are fully Insured. 700 Dwight St. Tel. 6-3397 Spild. AUDI- saw service, anywhere, Anytime.

122 Margaret St. 3-2873. 3-C Complete WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE window service. Spring clean ing In your home or office our specialty Paint washed. Floors cleaned washed.

Tel. 6-1709. CARS WASHED, simonized polished; picked up and delivered. Tel. 2-5084 or 6-6940.

CELLARS yards cleaned. Fences cellars painted, Rubbish removed. Tel. 6-7813. CELLARS CLEANED Rubbish and ashes removed.

Also careo lawns and garden ing. Call 7-1303. CLOGGED DRAINS Electric "Razo Kleened" or no charge. No digging, Rot Rooter. Any hour, any day.

4-3754. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY -A limited her of distinctive natural color (not hand tinted) portaita now being made. Sittings, in the relaxing atmosphere of youown home, are by an expert, full-time professional photographer. Top quality work, guaranteed to please you. For details or appointment Phone 4-9213 after 6 p.

m. DRIVEWAYS-Specializing on col-prov'a and asphalt driveways and repair. ton power roller used. Tel. 4-2919.

ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT. Phone White Sewing Machines, 4-1121. Forbes Wallace. GRIFFIN'S Tree ya and Landscape Service. Pruning.

cavity work, transplanting. Trees cut down. Lawns put In. 25 Abbe Ave. Tel.

4-2859. LANDSCAPING gardening done by perts. By day or contract. 2-8170. MEN'S SUITS FOR RENT Clothing Rental Service Blue coats, wh flannels, tuxedoes, cutaways SCHAFFER'S, NEW DWIGHT NR STATE MIMEOGRAPH and mailing.

Prompt, accurate. Universal Letter Service, 33 Medtord St. Tel. 4-1222. NEAT MAILING, accurate typing.

carefu addressing, public stenography. City Letand Mailing Service, 43. Groveland St Tel. 4-3927. RICII garden loam, lawns buiit.

graded, reconditioned. Tel. 4-2919. RUGS UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE CALL CLEANED or at our plant. ABC RUG CLEANING CO.

7-9411. SANDING FLOORS reAnishing 178 Edgewood. Longmeadow. Silvio Disanti. 7-3315.

VETERANS back in business, will furnish paper and paper any average room for $12.95. Holyoke 2-8426, reverse charges. VENETIAN BLINDS painted, cleaned, retaped and re-corded. Better Blind Co. Tel.

8079. WE WILL SELL your cars on commission basis. You set the price. Total charge 5 per cent. No other charges.

We all expense of selling including pay tising. Fast results. Call, wire or write. Forte Auto Sales, 3 miles west of Westfield on Route 20. Westfield 788 or 2691 anv time.

Don't pass up this opportu aty of getting the most for your car." Act now. VETERAN will buy rags, papers, meta and junk. 4-3151 or 3-7674. Personals AUTO LIVERY -Short or long trips, care ful drivers, 24 hours, prompt courteou service. Mr.

Lorraine. Tel. 4-7608. COLLARS CUFFS TURNED-144 land St. 6-3248.

Pickup Park. Rec. DRIVING to P. E. I.

Room for one pass. who can share driving. Tel. T-9291. JOBS WANTED WANTED-Landscaping.

cleaning cellars, mowing lawns, etc. Tel. 4-7684. RIDE WANTED to Pratt Whitney Aircraft. East Hartford.

2d shift. 6-1973. I WILL BOARD a girl not over 7 in Catholle home in Chicopee Falls. Box 240. Union Office.

WILL RENT Model Hammond elec- 7 trical organ." Inquire Homer Shanton, YMCA, Springfeld. WOULD LIKE room and board for 6- yr. old girl. Call 7-9465 after 6 p.ITi. Lost and Found 10 BOSTON BULL dog lost in Southwick Monday July 8.

Child's pet. Tel. Southwick, 161, ring 3. GRAY WHITE male cat. white breast, legs feet, lost, South End.

4-1735. Rew. KITTEN Brown stripped, lost. Vic. Mittineague playground, W.

8. Reward. 4-7987. LADY'S ROCENE wristwatch, black hock band, lost In Look Memorial park July 4. Call Holyoke 2-7341.

Reward. LADY'S RING LOST. Generous reward. Call 3-3427. PEARL BRACELET, rhinestone clasp.

lost vicinity llampden St. parking lot or downtown section. Sentimental value Reward. Tel. 6-5645.

A. FOINTER DOG--Female, liver markings on head, lost vic. Country Club Mon. night, Robert Hubbard, 353 Piper West Spild. Reward.

TIGER CAT lost Liberty Heights Section. 4 white paws. 2-7897. Reward. WRIST WATCH--Lady's, white gold and platinum.

2 diamonds, Elgin. Vie. of upper: Wranklin St. sec. Large reward Tel.

7-5361. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 YOU LOOKING FOR A 4000 DEPENDABLE USED CAR CALL 2-9805. LOUIS J. RIVERS, 201 PINE ST. BUICK, club coupe.

Trade GI only. 22 Taylor at Main. BUICK SEDAN, 1038-Will trade for pickup. Tel. 2-0043.

RUICK 1935 4-dr. sedan, $300. D. Roach. North Suffield, Conn.

Call aft. p.m. CHEVROLET 1934 4-dr. sedan. Good cond.

William Westfield. Tel. 756-M. CHEVROLET 1936 coach. A good clean car.

Chevrolet 1942, 4 4-dri deluxe, trunk. Also house trailer. Greene Motor Sales, 247 Hanco*ck St. Tel. 7-3850.

CHEV. 1934 coupe. Richard 'Roche, North Suffield, Conn. Call after 6 p.m. CHEVROLET SEDAN-1935 2633 MAIN STREET CHEVROLET '37 2-dr.

sedan. 33 land 5 to 10 nights. CHRYSLER '39 New Yorker. Low mileage. overdrive.

New tires. Like new throughout. See it today. Jim Steele's Auto Repair, 9 Mosner West Spfld. Tel.

7-9894. CHRYSLER, 1931, excellent condition. 5 re- WE caps. 169 Eddy East SpAd. 3-8112.

CHRYSLER 4-door sedan, good running condition. 1929 Model A Ford 4-door sedan, good condition. Douglas Auto Ex. Tel Westfield 2-488194. Southampton.

DODGE 1935 pickup. Will trade in for larger late car. 95 Dwight days. DODGE 1934 4-dr. sedan, Cannot be told from new.

Rear 19 Cottage Easthampton. 6-9 p.m. FORD '41 4-dr. sedan, new tires and mechanically perfect. State Line Service Station.

Long. Seen from 1-5 p.m. FORD COUPE. 1935 117 WALNUT IT. AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Automobiles for Sale 11 Exterminators Painting- -Paperhanging FORDS! FOR FORD CARS ANY HOME RID of vermin, estimate free SPRINGFIELD'S specialized brick, stucco AND TRUCKS CALL 6-7287 Reasonable rates.

Service guaranteed and shingle home painters. Immediate Western Mass. Oldest Ford Dealer New England Exterminating. 3-8131. service.

6-7627. Same AUTOMOBILE Location for 31 Years Building Contracting 19 SALES CO. A-1 CARPENTER TWO VETERANS do all kinds of painting 95-101 Liberty St. Opp. R.R.

Station. 6-7287 repairs, cabinets, jobs. Reasonable prices. Tel. 2-0043.

wall tile, calling tile alterations. 2-3587. FORD 1929 Model A coupe: Ford 1929 A1 CARPENTER WORK VETERAN painters paperhangers back model A -coach. Ford 1931 model A kitchen cabinets, in business. Reas.

prices. Free estimates. coach, 580 Belmont Ave. Tel. 3-7853.

Call. Celotex ceilings, alterations, shoring, Call 7-4820 or 2-6396. before 6 p.m. elding, rooting. All men insured.

6-2843. VETERAN will do any kind of work. FORD 1937 convertible sedan, motor com- A-1 and MASON repaired. WORK Plastering. Chimneys cleaned job too big, no job too small.

Tel, 7-4563. pletely overhauled. No dealers. 22 Sar- ALL TYPES WALLS woodwork washed or painted, Tel. 7-1103.

gon East after 3 p.m. roofing, siding, outdoor fire- paperhanging, floors cleaned waxed. FORD. 1938-Convertible coupe, 2 new places and "Heatilators" Installed. Tel 8-1572.

tires and new top. Must have trade. ALL REPAIRS A BETTER service on Interior painting 2-0446. Tel. 4-0936.

your home. No or job too alterations small. in or a Reason- about and paperhanging. Edward M. Kenney HUDSON 1939 sedan, Good condition, able.

Call 7-5280. Sons, 22 Vassar St. 2-4971. Can be seen at Forest Park Automotive, ASPHALT-Col-Provia A BETTER CLASS of painting and paper252 Belmont Ave. Tel.

2-0469. and repaired, landscaping. driveways 3-ton refaced hanging Free estimates. Lowest rates. PACKARD.

1938. convertible club coupe. roller. Insured workmanship. power Tel.

3-1794. right. 62 fog lights. Andrews Will St. trade or sell out- Gleason, 7-4103.

Free estimates. Donald AL Moving Moving-'Trucking-Storage -Storage PLYMOUTH 1941 4-dr. sedan. Bill Leon- BEAUTIFY structed your Col-Provia home with driveway a well Power ACCEPTED LOADS to N. N.

ard. 510 Allen St. roller used. Brevelert Bros. Tel.

4-3373. Pa. weekly trip. Local interstate movPLYMOUTH, 1934, Sedan, good condition. CARPENTRY work, repair and new build- ers.

Gloth Transfer Co. 6-2873. 116 William St. Tel. 3-0592 after 6 p.

m. ing. Robert T. McGee, Hotel Barnes. ANDERSON BENSON CORP.

2-8166. PONTIAC 1936 coupe. Good a running con- CEILINGS OF ALL KINDS Furniture and piano moving. Local dition. Call 7-2220.

Guaranteed for Life long distance. Storage. 270 Liberty St. STUDLBAKER 1938 President, 4-dr. sedan, Craftsmen.

Tel. by 6-5391. Expert, Insured CABRINI MOVING SERVICE -Furnitur good cond. 155 Maple East CEILING OF BEAUTY in panels, wall in and piano moving. Local and interstate after 6 p.

m. planking or tile. Storage. Phone 3-9183, 3-4956, 2-8900. USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD tors.

Tel. 4-7700. Decorat- G. A. CHOINIERE, furniture Eagle Interior piano COMBS SERVICE STATION CHAS.

ANTHONY, HARDWOOD FLOORS. mover. Local long distance. Tel. 7-0549.

1207 COLUMBUS AVE. 4-9871 Laying, Sanding, Refinishing. OLD LOCAL LONG DISTANCE moving. cov. Trucks for Sale 11A FLOORS MADE LIKE NEW.

2-8519. ering Boston de Mass. R. I. K.

Inaured I. Weekly carrier. trips Ludlow CHEVROLET, 1940, sedan delivery. Cal CONCRETE STEPS, roofing sidewalks. 9048 or Springfeld 3-0711.

be seen at 51 William Chic. Falls, CONTRACTING carpentry. New Bertera Bros. 2-6708. MOVING STORAGE PACKING Essential CHEVROLET, 1931, ton and a half truck pentry, flooring, and repairs, car- J.

J. SULLIVAN, "THE MOVER," INC. prewar tires, good motor, high low kitchen cabinets. Free roofing, eatimates. insulation, Tel.

2-2168. 385 Liberty St. lift body. Can be seen at 17 Shefdeld Penno. Inc.


Bargain price. DOORS- Garage repaired, replaced, Huck's Tranfer. Est. since 1880. 3-5147 CHEVROLET.

1931-Pickup. 134 Barring- iced. Call 3-6414. Lloyd E. Young, 259 WEEKLY TRIPS to Boston and vic.

Also servton Longmeadow. Central St. stoves, pianos, refrig. moved. Padded CHEVROLET 1037 dump, A-1 cond.

DRIVEWAYS, sidewalka, septic tanks, vans. DINAN THE MOVER. 6-1935 Herbert's Body Shop, Elizabeth drains, waterproofing, landscaping. II. 2-0181.

limansett. Mass. Tel. 9704. F.

La Due. Tel. 7-2791. Professional Service FORD 1933 dump. Ford 1935 panel, And FOR CHAIN LINK others, priced $50 up.

292 Park West Fence. Tel. 7-9293. fences. Hampden ELECTROLYSIS- all facial blemishes Springfield.

FLOOR SANDING there is rarely one so annoying Ag MACCAR-3-ton, rack body. Excellent mo- WE BEAUTIFY AND REFINISHING SATISFY die perfluou9 E. Hair. 1331 Permanent removal. Rin.

Sa tiren. (Cheap.) 8-8016. PLASSE Bohling, Main, HEBERT. 3-9831 Tel. 3-4070.

MACK yard IIeil DUMP -Air brakes, 1100-20 tires, GENERAL CONTRACTING, body hoist, 10-ton payload, modeling and cabinet work. repairing, Free esti- re Hals REDUCING Health treatments Center. for 575 men Dwight women. 1939 Autocar tractor trailer, Call 3-0956. mate.

Antaya 12-14 ft. body. Private party. Box 4648, general repairs. High General light contracting SALLY'S ELECTROLYSIS SALON--SuperWANTED Late model to 2-ton A for JOE OUELETTE Ratte, 4-1873 or 4-2875; 6-5416 for appointments.

Union Office. ings. Tel. 4-0806. panel ceil duous hair removed permanently.

Recommended by physicians. 1383 Main House Trailers 11B LET US SOLVE your floor problems. Bookstore Sally Ramah, 7-4109. DISPLAYING TRAVELITE NEW TRAILER. ALUMINUM New England's TANDEM 6-1930.

Sanding refinishing. Adamchek EMPLOYMENT All largest sizes and display of used house trailers. NEW cabinets, HOME or cellings. any A-1 type carpenter workmanship. work, All Help Wanted- -Female 32 arrangements in A-1 ditton.

Terms. Cash for your trailer. help insured. Tel. 6-0513.

ALL AROUND kitchen Bantam utility trailers for sale. Better ROOFING AND SIDING Elliot Dining Room, 31 girl, Maple 5-day St. week. 1st Trailer Socony Sales, Station 25 Boston Route 20, YOU BUY IT. GLEASON on right.

Open eve. I APPLY IT. 3-3015 ASST. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, BOOKKEEPER office $35 nings and Sundays. Tel.

6-1177 or 6-7816. VETERAN small UTILITY TRAILER--New, 2 wheel. 109 pairing and for alterations. Tel. carpentry, 7-3130 after re- SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER Winsor Ludlow, Mass.

5 p.m. BILLING CLERK, good at figures UTILITY TRAILERS. Highland Welding Reupholstering 21A TYPIST Service, 234 Wilbraham Rd. Tel. 2-0945.

FILE CLERK UTILITY CASII ALL ing: KINDS living of room suites reupholstering made and repair STENOGRAPHER, ADDRESSOGRAPHI temp. OPERATOR CALL 4-0477 20 years exp. JAMES UPHOLSTERING to order 1200 MAIN, enter on WANTED--House trailer. Will Day cash, 183 Dickinson St. 3-7620.

NATIONWIDE, State. Tel. 4-0936. ANYONE having APPRENTICE bookkeeper wanted by small an old 3-pc. living room established local concern.

Some typing Motorcycles and Bicycles 12 suite can have it upholstered, rebuilt and necessary. Steady work thru good times of them, sizes recovered just like new for only $69. and poor, as only essential merchandise ea. Tricycles, 8 of them, $8 26-38. $15 Hadley's popular 8-point reupholstering ig handled, no luxuries.

Write details in good cond. '7-2330. to $12. All plan gives you the best workmanship for appointment. Box 235.

Union Office, BICPCLE-Man's and guarantee. choice Pay of $1.25 beautiful week. fabrics. 5-year BEAUTY OPERATOR balloon tire, generator Come in or $40 a week. Good working Steady cond.

Box position, and light, 2 speed shift. 23 Sargon phone Mr. Lee. 7-3535. Monday thru Sat.

Union Office. 951, East Springfield, after 3 p.m. CROWN FACTORY EXPERTS BOY'S BICYCLE Prewar. Can be seen will make your old living room suite new feld BAKERY to take SALESLADY in or near Westany time at 577 Page Blvd. 200 fabrics to Must charge of branch bakery.

MOTOR BIKE, 1941-First $100 takes It. in REBUILT- RECOVERED erty Bakeries, 799 experience. Liberty Apply Libhave sales 431 Belmont Ave. in own seven factory and returned to you or call 2-1669. MOTOR days.

$69 and up. Lucy Mallary Village. Call eves. Phone 6-3826 for free estimate in your needed. Bakery, 297 PlainSCOOTER-147 Putnam Circle, "-YEAR GUARANTEE.

1 YEAR TO PAY BAKERY HELP--Experienced cake Icers Automobile Accessories 14 CROWN own UPHOLSTERY home. FACTORY field St. AUTO TRUCK PARTS--All makes. Also 457-461 STATE ST. 6-382 pay.

BOOKKEEPER-Part Regular or full 3-7149. time. Good genuine Poptlac parts. Gar. equipment.

FURNITURE hours. Call Genden L.vs., a 2385 Main St. 6-5481. refilled, Springfield UPHOLSTERED, Upholstering cushion BOOKKEEPER with some stenography, in CHEVROLET PARTS ing Awn law office. Phone for appointment.

Alice. Wholesale, Immediate sery- 37 Dwight St. 7-2634. Est. 1907 len, Terrall Appleton.

6-6367. 120 Westfield retail. W. Leader Spfld. Chevrolet 2-6257.

RIVERDALE UPHOLSTERY Reuphol BOOKKEEPER, stering, experienced, to take charge CHEVROLET. PARTS mates. Tel. repairing, 2-4711. remodeling.

Free eati of books and small office. Margolis We will give you 115 Lyma: St. and everything service. Try possible us in first complete coverage Repairing 22 BOOKKEEPER for your Chev- charge of books and Experienced, small offce. to take 603 Columbus Ave.

Tel. 6-2731. Sales. rebuilt, Guaranteed. Moore.

Tel. 6-7706. P. O. Box 385, Spfld.

rolet requirements. Balise Motor A AAA-1 WASHING machines repaired or Write COMPLETE LINE of Chevrolet parts. ABC TEST RADIO -Repairing by factory BOOKKEEPER wanted. Good salary. Apply Fenders, Grilles, Cylinder Heads, En- experts.

Call for and delivery service. Bronson Chevrolet T8 West Chicgines and all scarce parts. Bronson Chev- Radio Electronics 393 Dwight St. opee. Tel.

330. rolet 78 West Chicopee. Tel. 330. Tel.

7-9707. CASHIER-BOOKKEEPER. Young lady '37 DODGE MOTOR. TEL. GRANVILLE A-A-1 SEWING machine repairs.

No wanted to work retail store. Apply Bell 3321. charge for estimates. Called for del. Shops, 1440 Main St.

REVOLVING safety lift for sale. Apply Tel Sewing 4-1121. mach. Forbes Wallace CASHIERS COUNTER GIRLS for airat 124 Boston Rd. Tel.

2-4709. conditioned cafeteria style restaurant. ALL KINDS of furniture repairing and Apply C. K. Aselton, Travelers Coffee and retail.

J. C. -Genuine Byrnes parts, wholesale refinishing. Cabinet work. All work guar- Shon, 218 Jemorial West Studebaker anteed.

Ideal Upholstery 9 Market field. Tel. 34 Summer Parts Dept. St. Tel.

3-7339. Dealers, ALL RADIOS CANDY Jackson's, COUNTER salesgirl. Experienced. repaired. Day and night serv- Days.

1478 Main St. Service Station--Repairing 15 Ice. Free pickup del. 0. K.

Radio, 259 CHAMBERMAIDS wanted. Steady work. CARS Also fender repairs. Bay, cor. Catharine.

3-9690, 7-4485. Good wages. Apply. housekeeper, Hotel Al Barbeau, Allen Hampden, off Allen ALL REFRIGERATORS repaired and re Worthy, St. built.

All work guaranteed, 2-3905. CHAMBERMAIDS wanted. Apply Wanted Automobiles 17 ALLIED SERVICE 2-7993. Re keeper, Hotel Clinton, 1976 Main St. ABSOLUTELY able frigerators washers repaired.

Reason CHAMBERMAIDS wanted. Apply louseThe highest prices for your car, guaranteed. keeeper, Sheraton Hotel. Representative of the world's highest mar- EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING COMPETENT COOK--General housework. ket makes final disposition of your car.

VICTORIA RADIO SOUND CO. Excellent wages. Tel. 7-4036. It Eliminate yourself.

the middle-man profit and keep 95 DIVIGHT ST. 6-4682 COUNTER now and save money. Phone, write or right call FLOOR sanding refinishing. Call 3-8760 furnished. Steady job.

Waldorf 1553 Exporters, Inc. Check BUS girls, meals uniforms 6-7741. Sunoco Station across from Charles or at 277 Redland East Sprld. Main St. Hotel.

MASON WORK, all kinds. City or COUNTER GIRL- WAITRESS, over 21. ALWAYS BETTER DEALS, better price LAWN try. Tel. 3-6829.

Steady between work for party. See Tally for good clean cars when you sell to Jim MOWERS Precision around, 1-5. Wally's Sandwich Bar. 180 Moffett. a local, bonande registered deal- lapped power, olled, greased and ad.

Exchange Chicopee. er. Why sell to any Tom-Dick-or-Harry 955 justed. Delivery service. F.

W. Meyer, COUNTER GIRL--Exp. 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. $3, for less money, when you can get more Carew St.

2-2771 or 7-0138. Roxy Lunch, 1156 Main st. from State Wild Buying and Jim. Drive up to 1579 service. MOWERS, Eclipse hand Dealer.

and Call power, 2-4297, quality CHOCOLATE DIPPERS and general facLAWN convince yourself New- tory workers. Jensen's. 75 Temple St. 'or call 6-9663. Ask the man who sold one man'a Grinding 364 Boston Rd.

CHRISTMAS CARD MONEY- MAKERS ALWAYS MORE MONEY at WILD BUY- LAWN Service, precision ground, Sensational "Prize" 21-card $1 Assortment ING JIM'S. The man who doesn't just Ing. greased Delivery adjusted, service. 742 also repair- pays up to 50c profit. Sells on sight.

make offers, but really buys. I need 50 Springfield NAME- Christmas Cards 50 more good cars at once and will pay Feeding Hills, 'Tel. 7-3073 or 2-0062. and 25 for $1. Many other fast sellers.

the highest prices this side of the Mason- OIL BURNERS Vacuum cleaners, re- Samples on approval. Dixon Line. And that's no joke, son. paired installed, I'. J.

Murphy. 2-2763. CHILTON GREETINGS CO. need Fords, Chevrolets, Buicks or any OIL BURNER SERVICE for kitchen, par- 147 Essex. Dept.

805. Boston, MA St. rood or clean call car. 6-9663, Drive days up to 1579 State lor and hot-water heaters. Satisfaction CHRISTMAS CARD SALESPEOPLE or guaranteed.

Wicks furn. Former Florence EARN MORE STARTING NOW! James G. Stove employe. Now that you have tried Exclusive new 1944 line! Name imprinted ANY CAR. make or condition not the try us.

Tel. 3-7464. Christmas Cards at 50 for 11 and upportant. 4-7267 or 0-1315. REFRIGERATORS and all different Fart selling AsATTENTION pliances repr'd.

Reas. Veteran. household 8-1774. sortmente include Deluxe Matched ChristAUTOMOBILE OWNERS Tel. 8-1774.

$1 mas Feature, Gift Wrapping Ensemble, 21-card will pay up to $1800 for your 1941 car RUG for many others. Big profits. Send and more for your 1942, and this no CLEANING--AIl apecial work on samples. Jane Art Studios, 1217 bluff. Cash on the line.

No dickering. carpets. Win. Haskin's. Main BC.

Clifford, Rochester 5. N. Y. Drive down to 1142 Berkshire cor. Tel.

4-8086. COOK WANTED l'are p. m. 'dally. or call 8-1917, m.

to Bloom's, UMBRELLAS 1667 Main RECOVERED and repaired. Call 4-6304 between 9-10 a.m. ALL TOP VACUUM opp. Hampden. COOK-Experience1.

excellent GOOD CARS- CASH PRICES CLEANERS- All makes maintenance. Spild. Jewish Home salary, for th ful HEDGES-SATTLER INC. ered. paired or Forbes rebuilt.

for and deliv- Aged. Tel. 3-7149. 683 COLUMBUS AVE. Wallace.

Tel. 4-1121. EXPERIENCED ACKERMAN highest VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED waitresses, attractive oppays cash prices for portunity. Apply in person any day 48 your Willow Ford St. car.

Tel. Established 26 years TT. S. FREE VACUUM ESTIMATES STORES rept between 10 12 m. to Lt.

4-6867. logan, Officer's Club 226. WestANY AUTOMOBILE BOUGHT for cash. 1927 MAIN ST. TEL.

6-4219. over Field. Highest MOTOR prices 510 paid. See us first. YOUNG paired.

VENETIAN E. J. BLINDS Murphy sold, Venetian cleaned, re- FANCY SILK PRESSER wanted. Steady MAIN ST. 6-9294.

Tel. Blind Co. work, rood pay. Time and 8 half overTORR'S for top "as is" celling price fo 3-3255. time after 40 hours.

American Cleaners clean cars. Orr, 13 Piano Tuners 22A Dyers, 433 Eastern Ave. Liberty Tel. 7-2664. AN ABLE AND TRAINED PIANO DARN MONEY in your spare time taking ATTENTION with 34 builder orders for America's finest line of Calling all car owners, Chevvles, Plymouth piano for $3.

years' Repair experience and parts will tune service your dresser, blouses. Experience unnecessary. Dodge, Ford, DeSoto, Buick, Oldsmobile all makes, also on Free dress plan. Write Maisonette, Box Chrysler and Cadillac. Choose the place Gibbs Piano and players.

M. Formerly Pierce with 143, Union Office. that will end your shopping for A. startling Co, of Springfield, C. KUBICEK.

Tel ELEVATOR Music your amount last today. See for' me first and this will be 7-2930. Mason St. Pleasant, neat and reliable. OPERATORS known as the stop man who the 'most the cash, I'm BETTER PIANO Tuning.

Upright $3 Apply Employment office, 3d floor urea the East to the pays West top Coast fig- Grande $4. 25 years' experience. General Albert Steiger Co. 1142 Herkshire Indian Orchard. Tel repairing.

mothproofing. Work FOUNTAIN HELP-(Exp) 18 year or 8-1917. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily Sunday. teed.

G. J. ELLSWORTH. Tel. 3-2538.

over. Howard Johnson, Boston Rd. E. CENTER PAYS highest prices for PRECISE PIANO TUNING and general FOUR WAITRESSES Good pay. Good Fords others.

500 Columbus Ave. 3-1115 repairing. Grand planos tuned. Spi- working conditions. Apply once.

ParkAUTOMOBILES WANTED. Highest prices KARL 'net a D. uprights, $4. Tel. 7-9603.

view restaurant, 3 Main Westfield. And spot cash paid. Louts Cohen, 595 EASTMAN, 3311 Main SpAd. GENERAL LAUNDRY HELP WANTED. Main St.


Work inalde. Paper- TIME APPLY AND WEEK A HALF OVER 40 HOURS. 461 ST. JAMES AVE. 3-3116 mates.

3-5288. guaranteed. Free esti- LAND OF JULY 8. NEW ENG- Late models, A-1 CLASS LAUNDRIES. 870 STATE ST.

makes. J. C. BYRNES, 34 Sumner Ave, interior and BEST CASH PRICES BUSINESSMAN needs good clean car Also papering. Call 2-0209.

EXPERIENCED OPERATORS exterior painting. GIRLS from private party. Cash, Tel. 6-8016. ALL KINDS of painting and paperhang- FOR LEARNER USED ing done reasonabie.


STREAMLINE FACTORY $33 MAIN ST. TEL. 2-6201 PAINTING. 55 DAVISTON and see the facilities wonderful OD ST. CRANDALL'S pay top cash ceiling prices EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR painting.

portunities you will have. No red tape. '36-'42 models. Crandall Also papering. Excellent Don't miss this "GOLDEN" OPPORTUN Motor Sales.

568 Main St. Open eves. Westneld work. Tei. ITY.

HAS IMMEDIATE need for used car in 2323. SPRINGFIELD UNDERWEAR CORP. good condition. Any model, any make. EX-SERVICEMAN, exterior 4 interior IS PARK ST.

Any vear. Prefers dealing with private Tel. 6-1524. paperhanging. Free estimates.

Off Main St. 5 Blocks South of Stat painting owner. Tel. 7-2910. GIRL to work in confectionary store LATE -Any make, Top price.

EXPERT Exterior, interior, Industrial Tel. 6-9797. Pine Point Motor, 1586 State St. 7-4335. and domestic spray painting.

6-7627. GIRLS- We have openings for few intel what have you? Tel. 2-1181, sonable. Messier Gilberti. Tel.

6-8723. ing to learn. Apuly Royce Superio PLYMOUTH or Chev. pickup truck or EXTERIOR and interior painting, rea- ligent girls who are ambitious and will PRIVATE PARTY desires family car, size EXTERIOR decorating. AND INTERIOR painting and Laundry, 21 Clinton St.

or year makes no difference. WIll pay guarantee. Tel, Satisfaction 4-6173. and durability our GIRLS--Pressing packing. Good pay.

Ne good price. Please call 6-6463. Saturdays. Tucker Garments, 29 Worth SELL YOUR CAR tO J. C.

Nowak FOR QUALITY CALL IN HOME 3-1642. DECORATING ington St. 318 Meadow Willimansett. or call GIRLS WANTED, EXPERIENUE Holyoke 9064. GI's back in business.

Interior decorating, NECESSARY. PATRICIA UNDERGARTRADE for 8 new Willys Jeep or we'll paper reasonable, removing, Chic. Celotex. 779-M. very MENT, 125 MAIN FT.

pay you for the "cash limit" the OP'A GIRLS--SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO allows. Dan's Motor Sales, 413 Main HOUSE PAINTING and paperhanging. LEARN AND MAKE BEAUWest Springfeld. Tel. 4-7576.

Floors sanded refinished. Work guar- TIFUL LINGERIE. GOOD EARNINGS, WANTED Any model or size. anteed. John Regan, 4-0732.


4-5607. WANTED from a private party- good PAPER removing. Reasonable prices. Fre GIRL TO TYPE menus. Steady.

Jackson's, clean used car. Year or not im- estimates. Call Chic. 1448J. 1478 Main St.

portant. Call 2-1541 or 2-8330 anytime. PAINTER paperhanger, experienced in GIRL, High School of Commerce graduPAY CASH ceiling price for any clean high class work. Call after 6 p. m.

general office for work. A typing, good shorthand ate preferred, car. Genden 2389 Main St. 6-5481, Tel. 6-2508.

a well -known 8pAd. Arm. Tel. position 7-2686. with can realize TWICE the actual value fo 1st class work.

Free estimates. Reas. GIRL for stenography general office WITY ACCEPT LESS for your car? You PAINTING and paperhanging by 2 vets. here. Hundreds of local peopl rates.

Tel. 7-1871. 3-4111 between 10-12 soon for Paint Co. Tel. work.

SpAd. Wallpaper and your have car received more money for their car PAINTING appt. than they imagined I possible. CASH IN hanging. No waiting.

Jay Joe, 3-4804, GIRL wanted for pay-roll and general Inside and outside. PaperNOW, 22 Taylor at Main. 4-9732. 12 to 1 p.m. office work.

Apply Poole's. 4th foor. Ming Kahn. BUSINESS SERVICES PAINTING walting. Call and papering, 1st class for no Exterminators 18 estimate, Tel.

6-6240. ex-Navy man GIRLS, WHITE OR COLORED. NO EXRay, free AVOID possible sickness and contamind- NEW PAINTING CEILINGS AND NEW PAPERHANGING FLOORS PERIENCE NECESSARY. STEADY tion of food by ridding your home of vermin quickly and safely. For your fam- First class work by insured men.

6-5331 WORK. PAY. WELLS LAUNille's protection. Only non-polsonou ma- PEPPIN- Int. ext.

painting, paperhang. terials used. Sherman Exterminating ing. floor sanding and DRY, 61 FRANKLIN ST. Tel, 3-8759.

yrs. experience, Tel. 6-6857 or 2-8686. 1 EMPLOYMENT 23 Help Wanted- Female GIRL for general office work with knowledge of bookkeeping. Now England to Mount 93 Broad St.

GIRL wanted for general office work, some typing. central, permanent. Tarbell ters Bridge at Chestnut. GIRLS (2) WANTED--Apply Greer', riety Store, 340 Bay. St.

No employment, work no in experience doughirut plant. Steady GIRLS to necessary. per hour. Apply Mayflower Doughnut 616 Berkshire Ave. GIRL for amall office; bookkeeping, ords, typing.

Write giving training references. Box 236, Union Office. GIRL to drive light delivery truck work in laundry. Apply Baby's Laundry, 314 Columbus Are. GIRLS to work in all depts.

Clean, steady work, best working conditions. Apply 25 Belmont Laundry, 327 Belmont ire. and ing and typing for KNOWLEDGE small office. of bookkeepGIRL WITH Reply own handwriting to Box 227. Union GIRL for general housework, no cooking.

and Home Prefer for colored girl. References required. Aged People, 2 Loomis Holyoke. GIRLS AND WOMEN We have the ideal job for you! Light, clean factory bench work in pleasant roundings. And the pay is good tan! to per hour guaranteed in 3 months.

620 start. 65c in one month. plus wage incentives that allow you to increase Jour earnings substantially. Don't Delay! Apply today! THE F. W.

SICKLES CO. 165 Front Chicopee, Mast or GIRL to work In cash and carry office. Must have knowledge of typing. good salary, pleasant working conditions. 27 ply Belmont Laundry.

327 Belmont Ave, GIRLS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Su- Here 1s chance to learn a trade and earn good wages in A modern factory, 603. WORK WITH MUZAK AT PATRICIA UNDERGARMENT St. 125 MAIN ST. GIRL for general office work in dental supply dept. No Saturdays.

3-9153. GIRL for general office work. Must good typist. Opportunity for advancement. Give age, education, experience.

etc. Box 182 Union Office. GIRL for store work. No exp. nec.

Apply Shea Cleaners, 629 Main GIRL or woman for gen. housework our summer cottage at Shaker Pints Lake, Hazardville, during July and August. 3 adults. E. D.

Johnacs. 30 Tel. 6-7294 or Thompsonvill- 3489. 30 23 24 To become sewing GIRLS machine operators. Er not necessary.

Light. clean work in pleasant surroundings through. Excellent conditions, CHICOPEE UNDERGARMENT CORP. 165 Front Chicopee GIRLS (4), SHIRT GIRLS. STARTING NEW SHIRT UNIT.

EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. GUARANTEED 45 APPLY NEW ENGLAND LAUNDRIES, 870 STATE ST. HAIRDRSSER or operator wanted, salary and commission. Excellent oppor tunity for the right party. Beauty Salon, 23 Harrison Ave.

I beauty ITAIRDRESSER-3 school. Good pay to hours. teach Bur- in reby-Rose, 1433 Main St. HOUSEKEEPER--Protestant for eldrels gentleman in modern country home Tel. 3-8242.

HOUSEKEEPER for motherless home, Care for four children, youngest 4. Bog 144, Russell, Mass. Winnipesaukee, N. from July 15 to Labor Day. New house and equipment.

Small tamily, Tel. Spild. 7-1131, July 12, OP address Box 183, Union Office. IF YOU NEED to earn money but are able give full time, we have just the Job to All your needs. Only 5 hours dally required.

Call 2-5935 for appointment. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Tabulating experience desirable A mot essential. WICO ELECTRIC PHELON WEST SPFLP. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN. with X-ray preferred.

Ludlow Hospital. LADIES-18-38. STEADY EMPLOYMENT Here is an opportunity to gain steady ployment, making the famous field" line of softballs. working con. Hours 7 a.m.

Lo 3.45 v.in, SPORTING GOODS, INC 88 Birnie Ave LARGE BAKING co. has opening fo capable young lady, good with figured for permanent clerical position; typing essential, shorthand helpful. Also famil1am with Comptometer. Bor 146, Unions MATURE Judgment personality, perhaps former teacher re tired. Free to accept part or full tim: emp.

in mall priv. bustness. Ret. exch Tel. 2-8325, 2-4 or 2-9 p.

m. MIDDLE-AGED Protestant woman companion in country. Light work 8 per week. Box 4643, Union ORice. MILLINERY SALESLADY Expcrienced, to take charge of millinery dent.

Perm. position. Good salary. Box 6718. Union Office.

NEW extra money plan. Up to 100 per cent profit showing unusual Christmas Card and Everyday Assortments. Experience unnecessary. Extra onus. Request Irfo 50 for 25 for $1, 25 for $1.95.

Name imprinted Christmas Cards and alized Stationary Folder? Special offer. Thomas Terry Studios, 400 Union Westfield. Maws, NURSES INDUSTRIAL. GRADUATE REGISTERED LARGE LOCAL CONCERN First shift 1-3, and 2d shift 3 to 10. 6-Day Week Typing desirable, not Write qualifications and expected salary, Box 4647, Union OFFICE HELP--Young to work and typing.

Must be good on figures. Experience not necessary. Call tral Linen Service, 41 Franklin St. OFERATORS AND INSPECTORS We have a few Food Sole open on sewing machines our inspecting department making ladies' Must have some experience. Steady work.

Good reg. THE BURNETTE CORP. 40 Napier Springfield, Mast OPERATORS- Merrom single needle Good nay. No Saturday Tucker 29 Worthington St. PUNCH PRESS OPERATOrS OR MACHINE OPERATORS DAY SHIFT EASTERN ETCHING A 31 FO.

CO. GRAPE CHICOFEE. TF.L 2170 I'OLISH WOMAN for scrubbing and cleaninc, morning work. Apply Mrs. Bijou Theater.

OPERATORS and lining makers on coats. Good hours and pleasant working conditions. rIealth fund And id vacations. Apply Trencher-Belsky, 86, Worthington St. PACTICAL NURSE for 1 week in AUgUST References.


Employment PLASTIC DIV. Indian Orchard, Mass. RELIABLE WOMAN to care for valid lady in her home. Apply 8t. SALESGIRL for bakery.

Experience necessary. Tel. 6-4594. SALERLADY over 21 yrs. old.

Cosmetics and sundry dept. Liggett's, 1411 Main St. SECRETARY to Factory Executive. Must be capable of handling office routine, filing, typing, dictation, etc. Experience in 8 similar position in required.

A rood permanent position with one of New Ens land's best known Industries is Available for the right person. Address replies to Box 169, Unton Office. STENOGRAPIIER-typist, speeay and curate. Box 174, Union Office. STENOGRAPHERS For Our Sales Department Steady Positions Good Working Conditions And Hours APPLY IN PERSON OR WRITE Giving Experience, Etc.

BALDWIN-DUCKWORTH 369 PLAINFIELD 8T. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 33 Pho- WatVa 60c recand and Own in Off. sur67c to Ap- be A 4 1. DEAL.

Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.